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The Trust and its staff have a duty to ensure that all dealings are conducted to the highest standards of integrity and that NHS monies are used wisely so that the Trust’s finite resources are used in the best interests of patients. In the interests of full transparency, staff are required to comply with our ‘Conflicts of interest policy and procedure’ which sets out how and when they must declare interests, gifts and hospitality.

Decision-making staff are required to make an annual declaration, regardless of whether they have any interests. Decision-making staff are defined as:

  • All Trust Board members
  • All consultants
  • All staff at Agenda for Change (AfC) band 8d and above
  • All members of the Trust’s central Procurement team (given their power to enter into contracts, and purchase equipment and/or services of behalf of the Trust)
  • Senior members of the Pharmacy team (i.e. that are not on AfC band 8d)
  • Senior members of the Estates team (i.e. that are not on AfC band 8d)
  • Senior members of the People function (i.e. that are not on AfC band 8d)
  • Members of advisory groups which contribute to direct or delegated decision-making on the commissioning or provision of taxpayer funded services

The list above generally excludes temporary staff, as these would not be expected to have any decision-making influence, although certain staff who are engaged on a more longer-term interim basis should be included.

Additionally, all staff are required to make positive declarations internally on receipt of any gift, hospitality or sponsorship or any known interest that may be a conflict to them and the Trust.

Consultants and decision-making staff (2024-2025)

Employee Position Interest category Description
Abd Rahman, Dr Siti Rozaimariawaty Consultant MAU I have no interests to declare
Abdul Aal, Mr. Yasser Ahmed Consultant Surgery Financial interests One session a week of General and Upper GI surgeries at Nuffield hospital
Financial interests Three sessions a month of General and Upper GI surgeries at KIMS hospital
Financial interests Two session a week of General and Upper GI surgeries at Benenden hospital
Non-financial professional interest Bristol Bariatric course
Non-financial professional interest GORE MIS* SYMPOSIUM
Non-financial professional interest Surgical Treatment of GERD- Linx
Financial interests Private practice at KIMS, Nuffield and Benenden hospitals.
Non-financial professional interest Bariatric Optimisation course
Non-financial professional interest Gaining initial robotic experience. Three one day courses attended
Abdulgawad, Dr Nesreen Mohamed Magdy Mahmoud Consultant Histopathology I have no interests to declare
Aboelneil, Dr Ahmed Badr Metwally Kotb Consultant Anaesthetics I have no interests to declare
Abdulla, Dr Abdel-Kadir Saleh Medical Bank Consultant I have no interests to declare
Adegbite-Johnson, Mr. Olukunmi Ayodele (Kunmi) Head of Workforce Systems & Payroll I have no interests to declare Conflict of Interest
Adegoke, Mr. Abraham Adeniran Head of Facilities Management Maidstone I have no interests to declare I have no interest to declare
Agarwal, Dr Gaurav Consultant MAU Financial interests Private Practice at The Spire Tunbridge Wells Hospital
Financial interests Private Practise at The Wells Suite ongoing
Ah-Fat, Mr. Frank Gaetan Consultant Ophthalmology EEMU Financial interests I have received an invitation by Bayer to attend the Annual Congress of EURETINA (European Retina Society) taking place in Barcelona, Spain from 18th to 22nd Sept 2024. Estimated cost of conference fee: £500 Estimated cost of flights £250 Estimated cost of accommodation £500
Financial interests I carry out clinical private practice outside of my paid sessions at MTW on the following days: Monday am, Tuesday am, Friday am, Friday pm.
Ahmad, Dr Samia GP General Practitioner I have no interests to declare
Ahmed, Dr Syed Shaheem Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedics I have no interests to declare
Akolekar, Mrs. Deepika Ranjit Consultant Breast Surgery Financial interests I undertake private clinical practice at KIMS Hospital, Genesis care Maidstone and Nuffield Tunbridge Wells Hospital I trade through Breast Clinic Kent Limited (Companies House 14733948). This is an ongoing activity and is declared in my annual appraisal.
Financial interests I am renumerated for my role as Clinical Breast Lead for Breast cancer at GenesisCare Maidstone
Non-financial professional interest Trustee, Breast Cancer Kent charity (Registered charity 1176249) I provide unpaid advice in support of the charity’s goals and fundraising activity. This year in July I climbed Mt Kilimanjaro with a group of 6 other women. The purpose of this was to raise money for Breast Cancer charity. I set up a Just Giving page for donations. which raised over £10 k by colleagues, friends, family and patients. This was linked directly to the charity and all payments went direct to the charity bank account. This money will be donated by the charity to MTW trust for purchase of a new Faxitron machine for pathology department at Maidstone hospital.
Akunjee, Dr Mahnaz Nushaffarin Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology I have no interests to declare
Al-bahrani, Dr Ali Ihsan Consultant Chemical Pathology Financial interests I was invited to give a presentation for the Sevenoaks PCN (14th of June 2023) on a new evolving cholesterol jab, the audience were GPs/Nurse practitioners /pharmacists, it was an educational lectures to the primary care physicians and nursing staff, I was on educational leave on that day , the presentation took place at Sevenoaks Rugby Club (conference room), this was organized by Novartis, I was paid by Novartis 750 pounds for giving the presentation. Kind Regards Ali DR Ali Al-bahrani FRCPath Consultant Metabolic medicine
Ali, Mr. Haythem Mahmoud Mohamed Consultant Surgery I have no interests to declare
Al-Jehani, Dr Fathi Salem Consultant Haematology Financial interests 1. GenesisCare in Maidstone, private clinic on Thursday 6:30 to 8pm 2. Shirley Oak Hospital in Croydon, private clinic Friday 5:30 to 8pm 3. North Downs Ramsay Hospital in Caterham, registered but no clinics yet
Financial interests I have small shares in Pfizer (12.11 shares) and ImmunoGen (96.4 shares)
Financial interests European Multiple Myeloma Academy EMMA 27th conference in Vienna
Financial interests European Multiple Myeloma Academy EMMA conference in Madrid – 2 days
Allen, Mrs. Katy Victoria Principal Pharmacist – Electronic Prescribing Medicine Admin I have no interests to declare I have no conflicts of interest to declare
Allison, Mr. Mark Andrew Systems and Services Manager I have no interests to declare
Al-Naib, Mr. Mustafa Ziad Tariq Specialty Doctor T&O Financial interests I am the founder, managing director and doctor at ACTIVATE Musculoskeletal Clinic in Kent. This is a doctor-led private healthcare provider in Maidstone and West Malling, providing non-surgical MSK outpatient treatments including injections, digital physiotherapy, orthotics and ultrasound imaging. ACTIVATE is regulated by CQC (Care Quality Commission) ACTIVATE | Musculoskeletal Clinic is the trading name of ZAF Orthopaedic Solutions Ltd ​ ZAF Orthopaedic Solutions Ltd is a healthcare provider registered with and regulated by the CQC to provide the following services to adult patients (18 years and above) with musculoskeletal conditions: ​ – Diagnostic and screening procedures ​ – Treatment of disease disorder or injury ​ ZAF Orthopaedic Solutions Ltd does not provide surgical treatments ​ The registered manager is Dr Mustafa Alnaib MBChB, MRCS, MSc, FEBOT
Al-Rais, Dr Andrew Sanharib Consultant Anaesthetics I have no interests to declare
Allen, Dr Deborah Louise Consultant Radiologist Financial interests Jointly own shares in Unilever, Reckitt Benckiser and Astra Zeneca
Financial interests Work as a Consultant Breast Radiologist at Sevenoaks Medical Centre most Wednesday mornings. This is outside my NHS time.
Alves Nina Ramos Cunha Johnson, Mrs. Catarina Modern Matron I have no interests to declare
Alves de Paula Neto, Dr Geraldo Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
Ambler, Mrs. Daryl-Kim Purchasing Officer I have no interests to declare
Anandappa, Dr Samantha Kay Consultant Diabetics Financial interests Masterclass “RFA of benign thyroid nodule with HS Amica” – Trieste, Italy – 22nd June 2023 Course sponsored by company as well as hospitality in the form of mileage, car park, return flights and one night accommodation
Ansari, Mr. Ejaz Akhtar Consultant Ophthalmology EEMU Financial interests Private practice at Spire Hospital and Nuffield Hospital, Tunbridge Wells
Ashby, Mrs. Claire Michelle Head of Charity and Fundraising I have no interests to declare
Athwal, Dr Sarju Consultant Ophthalmology EEMU I have no interests to declare
Attard Montalto, Dr Stephen Consultant Gynae Oncologist Non-financial professional interest Appointed as Divisional Lead for Gynaecology (and representative at the MAC) for KIMS hospital for a period of 3 years.
Atti, Dr Tiwalola Jennifer GP General Practitioner I have no interests to declare
Aung, Dr Ko Ko Consultant Stroke Medicine I have no interests to declare
Bagley, Dr Nicholas Thomas Consultant Accident & Emergency Financial interests i work occasionally for MEDEVENT at Manston Aerodrome looking after the Emergency Care needs of recently arrived immigrants. I do this on site and also on call. I do this 2-3 times per month.
Bailey, Dr Andrew Robert (Andy) Consultant Anaesthetics I have no interests to declare
Bailey, Mr. Charles Michael Havelock Consultant Surgery Financial interests I do a small amount of private practice at theTunbridge Wells Nuffield Hospital and at The Wells Suite, The Tunbridge Wells Hospital at Pembury which is part of Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust. I am registered with both of these hospitals to undertake private practice.
Bailey, Dr Cheron Shellyann Monique Consultant Anaesthetics Financial interests Company Director to CS Bailey Consulting Ltd Corporate/Individual Member to West Kent Anaesthetic Group LLP Practicing Privileges at : Kims Hospital Nuffield Hospital Tunbridge Wells The Wells Suite Tunbridge Wells Hospital
Bailey, Mr. Simon Thomas Consultant Surgery Financial interests Private practice performed at KIMS Hospital, Sevenoaks Medical Centre and The Spire Hospital, Tunbridge Wells. Clinic times and information on GDPR can be found on my website:
Financial interests Chair person of the medical advisory committee of the Kent Institute of Medicine and Surgery, Maidstone.
Bajracharya, Dr Rasana Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology I have no interests to declare
Baker, Dr Dennis Spencer Consultant Radiologist Non-financial professional interest I hold practicing privileges to carry out radiological reporting at local private hospitals, including Nuffield Tunbridge Wells, Spire Tunbridge Wells and also at the Sloane Hospital in Beckenham. The reporting sessions are carried out at times outside of my NHS contracted hours. So there is no conflict of interest arising.
Balani, Dr Nikhail Murli Consultant Anaesthetics I have no interests to declare
Balasubramaniam, Mr. Dinesh (Bala) Consultant Surgery I have no interests to declare
Balasubramanian, Dr Krishnan Consultant Paediatrics Financial interests I undertake private practice at the Spire Tunbridge Wells hospital once a week and at KIMS hospital, Maidstone once a week.
Financial interests I am a director and share holder of a company -West Kent Paediatrics Limited through which I offer my private practice. My fees are paid into the company account.
Non-financial personal interests I am a founder and an executive committee member of a charity – Physicians United for Child Health.
Financial interests I do private practice at the Spire Tunbridge Wells hospital on Tuesday evenings and Wednesday afternoons during my off time.
Non-financial personal interests I am an executive committee member of a charitable organisation PUNCH which provides support to a children’s hospital in India.
Baldwin, Dr Lee Nigel (Lee) Medical Bank Consultant I have no interests to declare
Barnardo, Dr Adrian Thomas Consultant Gastroenterology I have no interests to declare
Barnes, Dr Dennis Joseph Medical Bank Consultant I have no interests to declare
Barnett, Miss Claire Elizabeth Business Manager to the Executive Medical Director I have no interests to declare
Barron, Dr James Alistair Consultant Anaesthetics Non-financial professional interest I undertake clinical private practice at the KIMS and Nuffield Hospitals on Wednesdays, plus occasional ad hoc weekdays that do not clash with my NHS commitments. This has been agreed in my job plan by my clinical director.
Barua, Dr Orchid Consultant MAU I have no interests to declare
Bates, Dr Adam Charles Consultant Ophthalmology EEMU Financial interests Three times a month I have a session in private practice mirroring my sub-specialty work for MTW. These sessions are at Tunbridge Wells Eye Centre and Headcorn Eye Centre.
Batley, Dr Michael Anthony Consultant Rheumatology Financial interests private practice
Financial interests sponsored to go to EULAR by Novartis
Non-financial professional interest a number of sponsored research projects
Bell, Mr. Timothy Consultant Accident & Emergency I have no interests to declare
Benson, Mr. Richard Timothy (Richard) Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedics Financial interests Medical Advisory Committee Chairman of Spire Tunbridge Wells.
Financial interests Consulting Fees for Lima Corporate
Berkeley, Dr Rupert Charles Consultant Radiologist Financial interests I work in private practice outside planned NHS working hours – my regular session is Thursday pm – with occasional ad hoc evening and weekend work also outside of NHS job planned hours – and my main centre of Practice is KIMS Hospital in Bearsted. I have undertaken this work since April 2022.
Bhat, Mr. Ab Ahad Medical Bank Consultant I have no interests to declare
Bhatia, Dr Vinay Kumar Consultant Cardiology I have no interests to declare
Bianchini, Dr Diletta Consultant Oncology Financial interests ESMO
Financial interests Meeting sponsored by Astrazeneca
Bird, Dr George Lawrence Arthur Consultant Gastroenterology I have no interests to declare
Bitat, Dr Syed Rabha Consultant Diabetics I have no interests to declare
Blaker, Dr Paul Andrew Consultant Gastroenterology Financial interests Sponsorship from Janssen Pharmaceuticals to attend the European Gastroenterology Week Conference in Vienna October 14-17 2022. This is an international Gastroenterology Conference. I received up dates in inflammatory bowel disease and functional gut disorders. Janssen paid for the flights, transfers, hotel and conference fees. I went out to dinner once with the Janssen team, along with the other conference delegates. Sponsorship from Celltrion to attend the United European Gastroenterology Week Conference in Denmark October 15-19 2023. I received up dates in General Gastroenterology and Hepatology. I attended one advisory board with the rest of the medical delegation. I had an opportunity to network with other clinical colleagues and scientists. Sponsorship from Takeda to attend the European Crohns and Colitis Organisation meeting in Stockholm February 21-24 2024. I received up dates in the management of Crohns disease and Ulcerative Colitis. I was not involved in any advisory boards.
Blyth, Dr Thomas Peter Consultant Paediatrics I have no interests to declare
Bodansky, Mr. David Maxwell Sterling Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedics I have no interests to declare
Boelitz, Mrs. Elizabeth Marion Category Specialist I have no interests to declare
Boyle, Dr Henry Ralph Charters Consultant Anaesthetics Financial interests I work as part of the TWGA group providing anaesthetics services for Nuffield Hospital, Spire Hospital and the Wells Suite in Tunbridge Wells.
Boyle, Dr Mary Margaret Consultant Cellular Pathology Financial interests I report histology for the Spire Alexandra Hospital, Chatham and for KIMS Hospital Maidstone. I do this work outside my job planned hours that I have for work in Maidstone Hospital
Financial interests I am a consultant Histopathologist. I report histology for 2 private hospitals, Spire Alexandra and KIMS. I do this work outside my job planned time for the NHS.
Bray, Ms. Emma Louise PMO Business Partner I have no interests to declare
Brown, Dr Jane Harriet Consultant Clinical Oncology Financial interests small private practice at The Chaucer hospital Canterbury (around 2-4 hours per month)
Browning, Dr Michael James Consultant Anaesthetics Indirect interests private anaesthetic practice within a group structure no clashes with NHS commitments Anaesthetic Specialty lead for KIMS hospital Advising on clinical governance safety and compliance with national standards with regard to modern anaesthetic practice
Brulinski, Dr Patryk Consultant Clinical Oncology Financial interests Private practice at Genesis Care Maidstone Scope of practice in line with NHS practice (Clinical oncology – Uro-Oncology and SABR) Clinic every Monday 14.00-19.00
Bryant, Dr Anna Jane Consultant Cellular Pathology I have no interests to declare
Burchette, Dr Daniel Timothy Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedics I have no interests to declare
Burcombe, Dr Russell John Consultant Oncology Financial interests I undertake private clinical practice at GenesisCare Maidstone and Nuffield Health Tunbridge Wells Hospital. I trade through Russell Burcombe Oncology Limited (Companies House 10699858).
Financial interests I am remunerated for my role as Clinical Director – Breast Oncology, for GenesisCare UK.
Financial interests I occasionally undertake paid advisory work for pharmaceutical companies, which is declare as paid income via personal taxation or trading as Russell Burcombe Oncology Limited.
Financial interests I hold personal shares in GenesisCare. Russell Burcombe Oncology Limited holds shares in GenesisCare. I was gifted vested shares in GenesisCare.
Non-financial professional interest Trustee, Breast Cancer Kent charity (Registered charity 1176249).
Burn, Mrs. Helen Dagmar Head of Pharmacy with SCR and Unlock I have no interests to declare
Busch, Dr Frank Rudolf Consultant Stroke Medicine I have no interests to declare
Butcher, Mr. David Alan Inventory Specialist I have no interests to declare
Callaghan, Miss Helen Director of Quality Governance I have no interests to declare
Cardy, Mr. Richard Alexander Head of Category Management I have no interests to declare
Caton, Miss Nadine Louise Consultant Otolaryngology I have no interests to declare
Challiner, Dr Alistair Consultant Anaesthetics Financial interests Member of West Kent Anaesthetic Group
Financial interests Employed as a Senior Lecturer at Kent and Medway Medical School, 0.5 WTE
Financial interests Medical Director for Kent Police Tactical Medical Training
Financial interests Private consultant appraisals for MIAD
Chalmers, Mrs. Claire Ritchie (Ritchie) Consultant Breast Surgery Non-financial professional interest Private practice undertaken in specialist field (Breast Surgery) at the Nuffield Hospital, Tunbridge Wells
Chamberlain, Mrs. Stephanie Julie Deputy Director of Patient Access I have no interests to declare
Chambers, Dr Dominic Consultant Histopathology Financial interests Coroners pathologist, performing ~300 PME per year.
Financial interests Director of Chambers pathology Ltd company to manage income from Coroners work
Chan, Dr Johnathan Shao Hsiung Consultant Neurology Financial interests I undertake clinical private practice in the following locations: 1) Spire Alexandra Hospital, Chatham 2) HCA London Bridge Hospital 3) Lycahealth Canary Wharf
Chapman, Miss Jaye Elizabeth Category Buyer I have no interests to declare
Chattha, Dr Navraj Singh Consultant Stroke Medicine I have no interests to declare
Cheang, Miss Pei Pei Consultant Otolaryngologist I have no interests to declare
Cheshire, Miss Claire Rosemary Programme Director I have no interests to declare
Chhaya, Dr Chetan Neal Consultant Radiologist I have no interests to declare
Chmilevskaya, Dr Elena Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology I have no interests to declare
Chullickal Augustine, Miss Amitha Staff Nurse I have no interests to declare
Clarke, Dr Amanda Lucy Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
Cochrane, Mr. Timothy Finlay Consultant Ophthalmology EEMU I have no interests to declare
Collison, Mrs. Angela Mary HR Business Partner I have no interests to declare
Cominos, Dr Mathilda Consultant Clinical Oncology Financial interests Private practice at Circle Health Group Chaucer. Outpatient clinic once a week for an hour. This activity is included in my NHS job plan
Financial interests Private practice at BMI Chaucer. Outpatient clinic once a week for an hour. This activity is included in my NHS job plan
Conry, Dr Brendon Gerard Consultant Radiologist I have no interests to declare
Conway, Dr Katie Anne Consultant GUM I have no interests to declare
Cook, Dr Catherine Ann (Cashell) Consultant Anaesthetics I have no interests to declare
Cook, Dr James Nicholas John Consultant Anaesthetics Financial interests Undertake private practice work at Spire Hospital Tunbridge Wells and Nuffield Hospital Tunbridge Wells
Cook, Mr. Robert John Deputy Director of Strategy, Planning and Partnerships I have no interests to declare
Cooper, Mr. Christopher Terence (Chris) Head of People Performance and Improvement I have no interests to declare
Cooper, Dr John Robert Baxter Medical Bank Consultant I have no interests to declare
Corrigan, Dr Alexis Joseph George Consultant Radiologist Financial interests I do clinical private practice at several institutions – which complies with my professional scope of practice.
Financial interests I am CD for imaging at KIMS hospital.I have enjoyed attending the Christmas party and other social events.
Financial interests I am a member of advisory board for Healthinova. I receive payment as per activity.
Financial interests I have a paid academic role with Brighton Medical School.
Financial interests I have received payments to support the development and activity for a new clinical nuclear medicine/PET imaging department, for Genesis Care.
Non-financial professional interest I am a long standing member of the British Nuclear Medicine Society. I have had a variety o f roles within the organisation. None of which have been paid.
Non-financial professional interest longstanding member of the RCR. Including examiner role. This does include a complimentary lunch on the days i attend at the RCR.
Cottam, Mrs. Sharon Medical Appraisal and Revalidation Manager Non-financial personal interests I am a Parish Councillor for my home village and a Village Hall Committee member
Cousins, Miss Ruth Mary Nurse Practitioner I have no interests to declare
Coutinho, Dr Andrew Kimba Consultant Acute Physician Financial interests I continue to conduct Outpatient Nephrology services at the Spire Tunbridge Wells Hospital, Fordcombe.
Coutts, Dr Michael Anthony Consultant Cellular Pathology Indirect interests Shareholder of Astrazeneca x20 shares
Cox, Miss Karina Louise Consultant Breast Surgery I have no interests to declare
Crundwell, Dr Neil Barton Consultant Radiologist I have no interests to declare I undertake private work at KIMS and Benenden as declared on my job plan and appraisal
Cynk, Mr. Marek Stefan (Mark) Urology Consultant Financial interests Clinical Director West Kent Urology Partnership
Financial interests Boston Scientific Inc.
Financial interests Lecturer at Kent and Medway Medical School
Financial interests Clinical Director Kent Mobile Medical Ltd
Financial interests Shareholder in Spire Hospital Group
Da Costa Almeida, Dr Goncalo Alexandre (Goncalo Almeida) Consultant Ophthalmology EEMU Financial interests I have been doing private practice weekly in KIMS for several years. It is assigned on my NHS Job plan on Thursdays. My activity mirrors the NHS one, and do cataract surgery, see medical retina patients and do intravitreal injections. I also do a clinic in BMI Goring where I treat NHS AMD patients. I do this every other month on a Saturday.
Financial interests I own 50% and am director of a limited company – Almeida Ribau Medical Ltd. It does not provide any services to the trust.
Financial interests Steering comitee for Roche – Use of Vabysmo in Wet AMD – London, UK
Financial interests I have been doing private practice weekly in KIMS for several years. It is assigned on my NHS Job plan on Thursdays. My activity mirrors the NHS one, and do cataract surgery, see medical retina patients and do intravitreal injections. I also do a clinic in BMI Goring where I treat NHS AMD patients. I do this every other month on a Saturday.
Financial interests I own 50% and am director of a limited company – Almeida Ribau Medical Ltd. It does not provide any services to the trust.
Danaher, Mrs. Kym Divisional Director of Operations for W&C I have no interests to declare
Dartnell, Miss Jo-Anne Marie (Jo) Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedics I have no interests to declare
Datta, Mr. Dibyendu Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology I have no interests to declare
Davidson, Dr Philip David Consultant Respiratory I have no interests to declare
Davies, Dr Joseph Benjamin Consultant Radiologist Financial interests Shareholder and Director of J B D Medical Ltd
Financial interests Shareholder in Maidstone Radiology Group LLP
Financial interests I undertake clinical Private Practice work at KIMS hospital, Genesis Care and the Spire Alexandra Hospital.
Davis, Dr Nicola Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
Davis, Ms. Sarah Louise Deputy Chief Operating Officer I have no interests to declare
De Coverly, Dr Adina Consultant Paediatrics I have no interests to declare
De Silva, Dr Kande Yamini Chandralekha Consultant Elderly Care I have no interests to declare
Devalia, Mr. Haresh Laksham Consultant Breast Surgery I have no interests to declare
Dey, Mr. Moloy Consultant Ophthalmology EEMU Financial interests Attendence to Ophthalmology Conference
Financial interests Examining Postgraduate Ophthalmology Examinations
Non-financial professional interest Examining Postgraduate exams
Non-financial professional interest Training course for nurses , Pharma company provided medical devices and lunch for nurses in trust
Non-financial professional interest Attendance of American Society of Retinal Specialists
Dickson-Mcfie, Mrs. Beverly Susan (Bev) Inventory Specialist I have no interests to declare
Dimitriadou, Dr Evangelia Consultant Haemato-Oncology Financial interests Chairing and participating as speaker in educational meeting for update on management of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) alongside other expert colleagues joining from King’s College Hospital.
Financial interests Participation in advisory board organised by pharmaceutical company Daiichi Sankyo alongside other haematology consultant from UK in preparation for submission to NICE the 2nd generation FLT3 ITD inhibitor quizartinib for treating patients with FLT3 ITD+AML
Dineen, Dr Nicky Ellen Locum Consultant Radiology I have no interests to declare
Dolan-Williams, Ms. Ainne Elizabeth (Ainne Dolan) Deputy Chief Operating Officer I have no interests to declare
Donohue, Mr. John Frederick Consultant Urology Financial interests I undertake private medical practice
Dooley, Mr. Benjamin William Systems Specialist I have no interests to declare
Doyle, Mr. Stuart James Deputy Director of Finance (Financial Governance) I have no interests to declare
Duck, Mr. Stephen John Director of Core Cancer Services I have no interests to declare
Durve, Dr Meeta Vijay Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
Eapen, Dr Martin Consultant MAU I have no interests to declare
Easmon, Dr Charles John James Medical Bank Consultant I have no interests to declare
Edwards, Dr Albert Augustine Consultant Clinical Oncology Financial interests GenesisCare London Uro-Oncology Dinner at The Ivy Market Grill, Covent Garden. Meeting to discuss GenesisCare Uro-Oncology strategy and uptake of MR-Linac SABR for Kidney cancer and prostate cancer with presentations by Dr Philip Camilleri and Dr Yae Eun Suh.
Edwards-Moss, Mr. Jon (JEM) MES Project Director I have no interests to declare
El Gohari, Mr. Ahmed Abdel Moneim Ibrahim Nab Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology I have no interests to declare
Eshelby, Dr Sarah Louise Meriel Consultant Anaesthetics I have no interests to declare
Eze, Dr Vivienne Nkechi Consultant Radiologist Indirect interests Private work at KIMS and Genesis Care
Fai, Dr Kevin Richard Consultant Anaesthetics Financial interests Conducted at KIMS Hospital. Private pain medicine Monday mornings. Private anaesthesia as part of an anaesthetic LLP – West Kent Anaesthetic Group Wedensday all day.
Farrell, Ms. Annette Francina Inventory Specialist I have no interests to declare
Feazey, Dr Angela Jane Consultant Accident & Emergency I have no interests to declare
Fegredo, Dr Justin Alexander Consultant Gastroenterology I have no interests to declare
Ferris, Mrs. Hannah Victoria Deputy Director of Finance I have no interests to declare
Firth, Mr. Gregory Bodley Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedics Financial interests Private practice at the Portland Hospital – employed by them out of NHS hours – usually Monday and Wednesdays when not on Trust duties. Also medicolegal work – paid into Firth Orthopaedics Ltd.
Fleckney, Mr. Mark James Head of Radiotherapy Physics I have no interests to declare
Fleckney, Mrs. Katy Louise Head of Radiation Physics Financial interests I have a contract to act as a specialist advisor for the CQC.
Fleming, Dr Ann Helen Consultant Cellular Pathology I have no interests to declare
Fletcher, Mr. Timothy Charles Senior Projects Officer I have no interests to declare
Flint, Dr Sarah Karen Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology Financial interests Private clinic at Gynaecology Ultrasound Centre in London
Forder, Mr. Justin Alasdair (Justin) Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedics Non-financial professional interest Arthrex MIS surgery course 5/10/23 Lavender medical distal tibial osteotomy course 23&24/11/2023
Forner, Dr Samantha Lisa Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
Foy, Ms. Sally Director of Operational Nursing I have no interests to declare
Freeman, Mr. Richard David (Richard) Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedics Financial interests I am occasionally employed by orthopaedic implant companies (Arthrex and Lavender medical) to teach other doctors on their courses. I am also sometimes paid to speak at meetings / conferences.
Financial interests I have a private practice in foot and ankle surgery and trauma that reflects my NHS practice. I work at the Spire Hospitals in Tunbridge Wells and Gatwick Park and the Nuffield Hospitals in Tunbridge Wells and Haywards Heath. Mostly this is on Wednesdays with some Monday and Friday sessions. These activities are all in my own time.
Friis, Dr John Kim Consultant Anaesthetics I have no interests to declare
Galabada, Dr Thushara Dharmapriya Consultant Medicine I have no interests to declare
Gaskin, Mr. Stephen James Chief Pharmacy Technician B7 I have no interests to declare
Gatune, Mr. Richard Mwangi (Richard) Deputy Chief Nurse I have no interests to declare
Gaughan, Miss Bethany Jane Trainee Nursing Associate I have no interests to declare
Gaughan, Mr. Daniel Austin Director of Operations Surgery I have no interests to declare
George, Dr Sneha Susanna Spec Dr Oncology Financial interests I am declaring the following interest that I have participated in market research surveys with IQVIA/GKA
Giridharan, Dr Kumudhini (Kumudhini) Consultant Elderly Care I have no interests to declare
Godfrey, Miss Michelle Ann Louise Consultant Gynae Oncologist I have no interests to declare
Goel, Dr Amit (Amit) Consultant Histopathology Financial interests Private Practice at KIMS Hospital
Financial interests Private practice at Spire Alexandra Hospital Chatham
Golden, Dr David John Consultant Anaesthetics Financial interests private practice via Spire TW, Nuffield TW, Wells Suite MTW agreed with clinical director at start of consultant job
Goodsall, Mr. Richard Burt Geoffrey Principal Pharmacist I have no interests to declare
Goodwin, Mrs. Katherine Joy (Katie) Programme Director I have no interests to declare
I have no interests to declare
Gough, Mrs. Stacy Chief of Health and Care Professionals I have no interests to declare
Graham, Dr George Rupert Consultant Anaesthetics (OBS) Financial interests I hold the post of Chair of TWGA LLP. This is a group private practice LLP
Financial interests I work at Spire Tunbridge Wells Hospital, Nuffield Hospital Tunbridge Wells and Azara Clinic Tunbridge Wells. This work is done during time that is not contracted to the NHS
Financial interests I own Shares in Vodafone PLC valued at less that £500
Gray, Mrs. Lynn Jean Bank Admin & Clerical Officer Band 9 I have no interests to declare
Green, Ms. Joanne Louise Lead Nurse Infection Control I have no interests to declare
Griffiths, Dr Richard James Consultant Anaesthetics Financial interests Private practice locally. My company is GRIFFITHS MOSS MEDICAL I work as part of the anaesthetic group (LLP) Tunbridge Wells Group of Anaesthetists (TWGA)
Guha, Dr Snehasish Consultant Anaesthetics I have no interests to declare
Gulliver, Mrs. Linda Elizabeth Head of Space Management I have no interests to declare
Gupta, Dr Jyoti Consultant Cellular Pathology I have no interests to declare
Gupta, Dr Rajesh Consultant Paediatrics Financial interests I do private clinic at Nuffield and Spire hospitals. There is no financial interests as my clinics are outside my NHS working hours.
Indirect interests I am co-director for It is a teaching course for clinical exam for MRCPCH. There is no conflict of interest as I teach on this course on my non working weekend.
Guy, Dr Robert John Consultant Anaesthetics Financial interests Consultant anaesthetist – part of West Kent Anaesthetic Group
Hadden, Dr Robert David Martin Consultant Neurology Financial interests Takeda – giving presentation at Advisory Board on facilitated subcutaneous immunoglobulin for treating CIDP
Financial interests Takeda Pharmaceuticals International AG – consulting and presentation to Takeda staff journal club event
Financial interests Dianthus Therapeutics Inc USA – consultancy for medical scientific advice
Financial interests Takeda Ltd will pay my expenses to attend Peripheral Nerve Society annual meeting in Montreal, Canada
Hadaki, Dr Maher Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
Halbert, Dr Jay Consultant Paediatrics Financial interests Clinical private practice.
Financial interests Medical consultancy; expert medical witness; teaching.
Non-financial professional interest Trustee
Non-financial professional interest Committee Member for the NICE Guidelines on Self-harm
Hall, Dr Julia Rachel Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
Halpin, Dr Laura Jane Consultant Paediatrics I have no interests to declare
Hamann, Mr. Julian Christoph Norst Consultant Otolaryngologist Indirect interests I routinely undertake private practice in Tunbridge Wells
Hanumantharaya, Dr Doddaiah Kadirehally (Dodi) Consultant Gastroenterology Financial interests Private practice undertaken at 1) Benenden Hospital ( Every Tuesdays) 2) Nuffield Tunbridge wells Hospital ( Ad Hoc, Friday AM)) 3) Wells Suite, Tunbridge wells Hospital (Ad Hoc)
Financial interests Attended medical educational conference “inflammation of the Gut” in Bordeaux, France. Sponsored by Falk Pharma
Financial interests I am a director of LLP, Kadire Ltd. The only source of Income to this company comes directly from my Private practice.
Financial interests I undertake private practice at the following hospitals. 1) Benenden Hospital ( Every Tuesdays): Gastroenterology clinics and Endoscopy 2) Nuffield Tunbridge wells Hospital ( Ad Hoc, Friday AM)): Gastroenterology clinics and Endoscopy 3) Wells Suite, Tunbridge wells Hospital (Ad Hoc):
Financial interests Planning to attend a Gastroenterology conference in Copenhagen from 14/03/2024 to 16/03/2024. This is Falk pharma sponsored educational programme.
Financial interests I am a director of private limited company” KADIRE LIMITED”
Harper-Wynne, Dr Catherine Linda Consultant Oncology Financial interests Work with Genesis Care Maidstone one day a week after hours
Financial interests Have undertaken fee for service work such as consultancy work, advisory boards, chair and speaker of meetings for pharma sponsored events. The following companies have been involved; Pfizer Roche Novartis Exact Science Gilead Seagen Astra Zeneca
Financial interests Have attended the following international meetings sponsored by the following companies; San Antonio Breast Cancer Conference USA 12/22 – Roche American Society of Clinical Oncology AGM virtual June 2022- Gilead American Society of Clinical Oncology AGM June 2023- Novartis
Harrington, Dr Derek William Malcolm Consultant Cardiology Financial interests
Hart, Dr Jonathan Leck (Jonathan) Consultant Radiologist I have no interests to declare
Hartopp, Dr Andrew James Consultant Anaesthetics (OBS) I have no interests to declare
Hasan, Mr. Fazal Ali Consultant Surgery Financial interests General Surgery at Benenden Hospital. Thursday and Wednesday PM
Financial interests Own shares in County Medical Healthcare limited and Worp Consultancy limited. The former is involved in developing health insurance and medical video consultation applications.
Hasan, Mr. Syed Taseer Ul Consultant Ophthalmology EEMU I have no interests to declare
Hawker, Dr Matthew James Medical Bank Consultant Financial interests I am also employed as a locum consultant ophthalmologist at the Norfolk and Norwich university hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Hawkes, Mrs. Victoria Louise (Vikki) Head Of Medical Staffing I have no interests to declare
Henderson, Dr Alastair Consultant Urology Financial interests Private practice in clinical urology – spire tunbridge wells , genesis care, MTW Wells Suite, Nuffield TW (admitting rights at each site) – Only do clinic at Spire TW
Henderson, Mr. Robert (Rob) Deputy Chief People Officer I have no interests to declare
Hill, Dr Mark Edwin Consultant Oncology Non-financial professional interest Small private practice currently based at GenesisCare, West Malling & trading as ME Hill Oncology Ltd
Financial interests ESMO Conference 2023
Hinds, Dr Nicole Louise GP General Practitioner I have no interests to declare
Hobbs, Miss Rachel Mary Principal Pharmacist with SCR I have no interests to declare
Holland, Professor Christopher George (Chris) Consultant Anaesthetics Financial interests I provide clinical care to ITU and HDU patients at a private hospital in Blackheath, London.
Financial interests I am Dean of the Kent and Medway Medical School.
Financial interests I am an Associate NED with East Kent Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. My second three-year term of office began in Dec 2022.
Financial interests I am director of a company that provides ITU and HDU care to a private hospital in Blackheath, London
Non-financial professional interest I am a Kent Ambassador and may receive small and modest gifts and/or hospitality in common with other Kent Ambassadors at organised KA events. I pay for my own travel, accommodation and hospitality over and above small and modest thresholds.
Holland, Mr. Mark Frank Head of Pathology Service I have no interests to declare
Honakeri, Dr Savita Parashuram Consultant Histopathology Financial interests Director of R & R Koti Limited Company ( this company is created as secondary to my clinical private practice)
Hooker, Mr. Paul Jamie Head of Business Intelligence Technologies & Data Architect Financial interests Having been nominated for a HSJ award, Northdoor PLC purchased tickets for me to attend. They also provided 1 night accommodation in a local hotel close to the venue.
Horsley, Dr Robert Alexander Consultant Anaesthetics (OBS) Financial interests Carry out anaesthetic private practice through West Kent Anaesthetic Group
Financial interests Director of Limit Company Radiogas through which I provide private medical services to West Kent Anaesthetic Group
Hubbard, Mr. Timothy Edward Mark Divisional Director for Operations I have no interests to declare
Humphries, Dr Sasha Louise Consultant Radiologist Financial interests As per my agreed job plan I conduct private practice at KIMS hospital and Genesis Care on a Tuesday. I am not employed by the Trust on that day.
Humphreys, Mr. Scott Graham Inventory Specialist I have no interests to declare
Hunt, Dr Clare Louise Consultant Elderly Care I have no interests to declare
Indrajith, Dr Mathivathana Consultant Cardiology I have no interests to declare
Ingram, Dr Owen David (Owen) Consultant Elderly Care I have no interests to declare
Ironside, Dr James Grant Mortimer Consultant Accident & Emergency I have no interests to declare
Isac, Dr Marco Makram Samaan (Marco) Locum Consultant Ophthalmology I have no interests to declare
Jackson, Dr James Falconer Consultant Anaesthetics Financial interests I work privately at the Tunbrifge Wells Suite, Nuffield and Spire Hospitals in Tunbridge Wells.
Jarvis, Mr. James Paul Deputy Director of Finance (Financial Governance) I have no interests to declare
Jawad, Dr Ruhi Ali Consultant GUM I have no interests to declare
Jeevanandam, Dr Madana Consultant Otolaryngologist I have no interests to declare
Jefferies, Dr James Gordon Senior Clinical Fellow I have no interests to declare
Johnson, Mrs. Mildred Esther Clinical Director of Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation Financial interests Participation at independent advisory board meetings that may be commissioned by Pharma Companies- Financial Interest Department of Health appointment as an Independent Expert Member (IEM) of the UK Pharmacy Professional Leadership Advisory Board- Non-financial Professional Interest
Johnstone, Miss Fay Hospital Avoidance Matron I have no interests to declare
Johnson-Smith, Dr Thomas Consultant Radiologist I have no interests to declare
Joshi, Mr. Sanjay Vasantrao Consultant Surgery I have no interests to declare
Joshi, Dr Supriya (Supriya) Consultant Chemical Pathology Financial interests I am a co-directory of Kent Gastroenterology limited. I don’t undertake any private practice at present.
Jyothirmayi, Dr Rema Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
Kandasamy, Dr Manivannan (Mani) Medical Bank Consultant I have no interests to declare
Katchburian, Mr. Marcos Viggiani Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedics I have no interests to declare
Kawa, Dr Bhavin Consultant Radiologist I have no interests to declare
Keough, Dr Alexander Daniel Consultant Acute Physician Indirect interests
Khan, Dr Mohammad Akbar Consultant Microbiologist I have no interests to declare
Khanna, Dr Ankit Consultant Paediatrics I have no interests to declare
Khine, Mrs. Aye Aye Aye (Aye) Consultant Ophthalmology EEMU I have no interests to declare
Kirwan, Dr Sarah Elizabeth Mary Consultant Radiologist Financial interests I undertake clinical private practice which is occasionally done at the Trust for which I have 45 mins per week in my job plan to do. This does not infringe on my NHS work
Kisat, Dr Hamudi Consultant Paediatrics Financial interests i do not do any private practice out of trust but occasionally see patient in the hospital out of my job plan.
Indirect interests i am company director for
Kochhar, Dr Arun Consultant Anaesthetics Financial interests Private practice for anaesthesia at KIMS, Nuffield and MTW. As per job plan.
Financial interests Director of Kochhar Medical Services. Provides anaesthesia services to the WKAG LLP.
Kok, Dr Waisun Consultant Anaesthetics I have no interests to declare
Kolimarala, Dr Vinod Kumar Consultant Paediatrics I have no interests to declare
Kothadia, Mrs. Ketkee Lead Biomedical Scientist/ Service Manager Haematology Non-financial professional interest Werfen User group meeting – professional meeting for Werfen users – sponsored for Event and accommodation by Werfen Meeting fees – £120 Accommodation – ~£95
Krishnan, Mr. Yadhu Workforce Systems Assistant I have no interests to declare
Kulka, Dr Mauricio Consultant Otolaryngologist I have no interests to declare
Kumar, Dr Kundavaram Jesse Anand (Jesse Kumar) Consultant Diabetics Non-financial professional interest Attending a conference in London on : Launch meeting for Imcivree in Bardet-Biedl Syndrome
Kunheri, Dr Beena Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
Kupharadze, Dr Mamuka Consultant Elderly Care I have no interests to declare
Kviat, Dr Lorna Jeanne (Lorna) Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
Kwong Hong Tsang, Dr Peter (Peter Tsang) Medical Bank Consultant I have no interests to declare
Lapczynska, Dr Jolanta Teresa Consultant Radiologist I have no interests to declare
Laver, Dr Kathryn Sarah Consultant Anaesthetics I have no interests to declare
Lawrence, Mrs. Katherine Anne (Kate) Head of Financial Services I have no interests to declare
Lawson, Dr Clive Stewart Consultant Cardiology I have no interests to declare
Lawton, Gregory Consultant Anaesthetics Financial interests Private practice within an anaesthetic group at Nuffield and Spire Tunbridge Wells. MTW send patients to both these hospitals from the surgical division. I also have practice privileges at Horder centre and PPG but do not currently use these. My private practice operates from within a private company – G& H Lawton
Leech, Dr Richard Charles Consultant Anaesthetics (OBS) Financial interests Director and major shareholder of Bayside Medical Ltd
Indirect interests Clinical private practice at: KIMS Hospital, Maidstone Nuffield Hospital, Tunbridge Wells GenesisCare Maidstone
Lees, Dr Kathryn Elizabeth Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
Lenz, Mr. Luke James Graduate Procurement Trainee I have no interests to declare
Le Page, Miss Amanda Louise Principal Pharmacist (TW) I have no interests to declare
Leslie, Mr. Simon Ricky Biomedical Scientist Specialist Non-financial personal interests Randox, one of the suppliers of IQC material to the department, has invited me to a hospitality event at the Goodwood Festival of Speed. The ticket is provided by Randox.
Leventis, Dr Pamela Eva Consultant Rheumatology I have no interests to declare
Lim, Dr Kenneth Medical Examiner Financial interests I work part-time, 3 sessions a week as a Cremation Medical Referee in Croydon, a Ministry of Justice appointment. and part time, one session a week, as an NHS Dental Surgeon in London
Lim, Dr Saekyung Christina (Christina) Locum Consultant Ophthalmology I have no interests to declare
Lim How, Dr Terry Foo Tat Consultant Respiratory I have no interests to declare
Lima, Mr. Isaac Fernandes Da Rocha Warehouse Manager I have no interests to declare
Limbu, Miss Rasmita Inventory Specialist I have no interests to declare
Lloyd, Dr Catherine Margaret Consultant Neurology Financial interests At Benenden Hospital 3 clinics per month Out patient work only No procedures performed
Financial interests Clinical Private Practise at the Spire Tunbridge Wells One clinic per week (09.00-13.00) Outpatient work only No procedures performed
Lloyd, Miss Helen Consultant Surgery I have no interests to declare
Loke, Dr Tuck-Kay Consultant Respiratory I have no interests to declare
Long, Ms. Rebecca Marie (Beki) Deputy Divisional Director of Operations I have no interests to declare
Lord, Dr Zoe Melissa (McDonald-Burrows ) Consultant MAU I have no interests to declare
Lordan, Dr Jeffrey Tarek Khalafalla Consultant Surgery I have no interests to declare
Lou, Dr Ying Yiing Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology I have no interests to declare
Lowe, Dr Christy Louise Consultant Accident & Emergency I have no interests to declare
Lowings, Mrs. Michelle Ann Governance & Quality Manager Estates Directorate I have no interests to declare
Lynch, Dr Katherine (Kat) Consultant Elderly Care I have no interests to declare
Financial interests I perform ad-hoc clinical work for Medevent Services, providing telephone medical advice for Manston Processing Centre.
Financial interests I am a director and shareholder of Crimson Business Holdings – a holding company unrelated to healthcare
Financial interests I am a director and shareholder of Crimson Property Assets Ltd – a property ownership and management company unrelated to healthcare
Macdonald, Dr Kirsten Margaret Medical Bank Consultant I have no interests to declare
MacKay, Dr Beth Amy Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
Mahalingam, Mr. Sridhayan (Sri) Consultant Otolaryngologist Financial interests I will be undertaking some private practice in ENT.
Mahmood, Dr Afzal Consultant Stroke Medicine I have no interests to declare
Maiden, Dr Laurence Consultant Gastroenterology Financial interests Private work (clinic and endoscopy list) at Nuffield and Spire Hospitals
Mankragod, Dr Ravish Hiriyannaiah Consultant Medicine I have no interests to declare
Manktelow, Mr. Adam David Inventory Specialist I have no interests to declare
Manuell, Dr Jamie Consultant Accident & Emergency I have no interests to declare
Maqsood, Dr Sundas Ejaz Locum Consultant Ophthalmology I have no interests to declare
Martin, Mrs. Fiona Elizabeth Deputy Divisional Director of Operations I have no interests to declare
Martin, Dr Peter Stephen Consultant Accident & Emergency I have no interests to declare
Maskell, Dr Peter Mark Medical Director Caldicott Guardian Non-financial professional interest I am seconded to West Kent HCP where I work as their medical director for integration MTW is a member of the partnership I am still employed by MTW
Maskell, Mr. Scott Charles Consultant Otolaryngology (ENT) (TW) Financial interests I partake in private practice
Mastoroudes, Dr Heleni Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology I have no interests to declare
Mavridou, Miss Despina Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology I have no interests to declare
Maxwell, Mrs. Karen Elizabeth Clinical Lead Paediatric Gastroenterology Dietitian Non-financial professional interest 1 day meeting sponsorship by Nutricia. I have been involved in arranging Venue and refreshments for MTW paediatric Dietetic team and KCHFT paediatric dietetic team – team building, pathway development between trusts, training and education.
McCormick, Dr Gemma Kathryn Consultant Oncology Financial interests I have been approached to chair an evening meeting sponsored by Pfizer.
McKay-Davies, Dr Iain Consultant Otolaryngology Non-financial professional interest Small private practice at Nuffield Hospital, Tunbridge Wells Clinics every 1st, 2nd and 4th Tuesday morning. No regular theatre sessions Management fully aware of this
Non-financial professional interest Small private practice at Nuffield Hospital, Tunbridge Wells Clinics every Tuesday morning. 1 x theatre sessions Friday am week 3 Management fully aware of this
Mellford, Mr. Russell Joseph Inventory Specialist I have no interests to declare
Membrey, Mr. William Luke Consultant Ophthalmology EEMU I have no interests to declare
Mermerelis, Dr Dimitrios Consultant Microbiologist I have no interests to declare into Employee Self Service
Michaelidou, Dr Andriana Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
Midda, Mrs. Dhalvir Kaur (Dhalvir) Head of Pharmacy – Cancer and Technical Services Financial interests Honorarium for consultancy and travel expenses paid by Novartis, Pfizer, and Lilly (Pharma companies)
Milner, Dr Matthew Consultant Accident & Emergency I have no interests to declare
Mirdin, Dr Aimay Binti Consultant Accident & Emergency Financial interests Advice and treatment for migrant services
Mishra, Dr Mamata Bet Consultant Cardiology I have no interests to declare
Misra, Dr Rahul Locum Consultant I have no interests to declare
Mittoo, Mrs. Harpreet Kaur Sanghera Inventory Specialist I have no interests to declare
Mizon, Dr Gemma Paula Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology I have no interests to declare
Mohan, Dr Arunodaya Consultant Haematology I have no interests to declare
Moore, Mr. Daniel George Lead Nurse Infection Control I have no interests to declare
Moosvi, Mr. Syed Raza (Raza Moosvi) Consultant Surgery Financial interests Clinical work at Spire hospital, Tunbridge Wells, consulting and managing both nhs and private patients.
Moran, Dr Andrew Paul Consultant Anaesthetics Non-financial professional interest I partake in private practice at both KIMS and Nuffield Hospitals
Morgan, Mr. David William Non-Executive Director Financial interests AMTE Power plc
Morphew, Miss Kelly Metastatic Breast CNS Financial interests Ongoing contract with Novartis pharmaceuticals with received honararia
Morris, Miss Deborah Jayne (Debbie) Director of Estates I have no interests to declare
Moss, Dr Charlotte Hannah Consultant Oncology Financial interests one off payment £917 from Novartis or preparing and delivering an educational meeting to Non medical prescribers
Moth, Dr Phillippa Ann Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology I have no interests to declare
Moult, Dr Daniel Barry Consultant Anaesthetics Indirect interests Private Practive at: Wells Suite Nuffield Tunbridge Wells Spire Tunbridge Wells
Mugweni, Dr Kudzai Timothy Tawanda Consultant Paediatrics I have no interests to declare
Muhammad, Dr Sadia Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology I have no interests to declare
Munro, Ms. Ann Vivienne Trust Ethicist Indirect interests director new chapter counselling agency
Murray, Mr. Robert Keith Associate Director of Procurement Financial interests Invite to sustainability networking event at Epsom Races
Mustafa, Dr Nadia Consultant Paediatrics I have no interests to declare
Naji, Dr Meeran Consultant Radiologist I have no interests to declare
Nakouzi, Dr Abdul Razak Consultant Acute Physician I have no interests to declare
Nasir, Dr Alia Consultant Histopathology Financial interests I undertake private practice at KIMS hospital. As I am a histopathologist, I do not need to visit KIMS. The specimens are received at MTW and processed here. I then report them in my office, out of my normal working hours (before 8:30 am or after 4:30 pm Monday to Thursday) or on Friday and weekends. This has been approved by my clinical lead and clinical director.
Financial interests I am co-director of a limited company (Ahmed & Nasir healthcare). My earnings from my clinical private practice are transferred to the business bank account of this limited company.
Nasiri Senejani, Dr Mahdi Medical Bank Consultant I have no interests to declare
Nathan, Dr Kannon Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
Navaratnam, Dr Ragavan Consultant MAU I have no interests to declare
Navaratne, Dr Lesley Amy Consultant Genito Urinary Medicine I have no interests to declare
Newman, Dr Laura Rose Medical Examiner I have no interests to declare
Nicholl, Mr. James Edward Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedics Indirect interests I perform clinical private practice at the Nuffield Hospital Tunbridge Wells and the Horder centre
Nidagatte Dyamanna, Dr Devaraj Consultant Anaesthetics I have no interests to declare
Nikiforidis, Dr Lazaros Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
North, Mr. Thomas Systems Specialist I have no interests to declare
Nye, Miss Melanie Jane Senior Finance Manager Non-financial personal interests I am a Trustee for the Canterbury Archaeological Trust, and sit on the board. This is an unpaid role, with no financial interest in the charity.
Odling, Dr Hannah Mary Medical Examiner I have no interests to declare
Ogunnoiki, Ms. Omowunmi (Wunmi) Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology I have no interests to declare
Okpaluba, Dr Ukwuoma (Isabel) Consultant Genito Urinary Medicine I have no interests to declare
Olorunfemi, Mrs. Elizabeth Oluwatoyin Procurement Services Officer I have no interests to declare
Osman, Dr Mohammed Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
Owen, Dr Martin Graham GP General Practitioner I have no interests to declare
Palanisamy, Dr Priya Karuppana Gounder Locum Consultant Radiology I have no interests to declare
Pandya, Dr Nikila (Niki) Consultant Paediatrics I have no interests to declare
Pang, Dr Jennifer Wing See Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
Papadopoulos, Dr Andreas John Consultant Gynae Oncologist Financial interests I treat private patients as outlined in my appraisal. I treat patients at KIMS, Nuffield, Spire and London Bridge. I treat General Gynaecology and Gynaecological Oncology patients. I treat these patients approximately 3 sessions per week outside my NHS commitments.
Financial interests I am a director of a property company Shape Residential Properties Ltd. This rents out 2 properties and it has no other interests.
Financial interests I am a directorship of a company called Gynaehealth Consultants Ltd. This is just used to manage my private earning s from the Gynaehealth partnership.
Financial interests I treat private patients as outlined in my appraisal. I treat patients at KIMS, Nuffield, Spire and London Bridge. I treat General Gynaecology and Gynaecological Oncology patients. I treat these patients approximately 3 sessions per week outside my NHS commitments.
Financial interests I am a director of a small property company Shape Residential Properties Ltd. This rents out 2 properties and it has no other interests. I am in the process of selling these properties.
Financial interests I am a directorship of a company called Gynaehealth Consultants Ltd. This is just used to manage my private earning s from the Gynaehealth partnership.
Park, Dr Se-Yeon Moses (Se-Yeon) Consultant Paediatrics I have no interests to declare
Parkar, Dr Rosemeen Dawood Ahmed Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare no private . Intermittently get speakers fees or sponsorship to attend conferences via pharmaceutical companies
Partlett, Mrs. Jeannette Isobel Vascular Access Practitioner I have no interests to declare
Patel, Mr. Akshay Divyesh Advanced Pharmacist Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease I have no interests to declare
Patel, Dr Mihir Suryakant Consultant Cardiology I have no interests to declare
Pathy, Dr Kala Consultant Paediatrics I have no interests to declare
Patterson, Miss Joanne Catherine Lead Oncology Pharmacist I have no interests to declare
Pearson, Mr. Alec Lee Procurement Services Officer I have no interests to declare
Peerless, Dr James Frederick Consultant Anaesthetics Financial interests Carry out clinical private practice in provision of anaesthetic services in West Kent.
Financial interests I am a director in Peerless Medical Ltd., set up for the provision of anaesthetic services.
Indirect interests I am the representative for anaesthetists on the Medical Advisory Committee at Spire Tunbridge Wells Hospital (unpaid role).
Non-financial professional interest Evening meal hosted by medical technology company and taxi journey, paid for by company representatives.
Penev, Mr. Branimir Angelinov Consultant Urology I have no interests to declare
Perovic, Dr Milica Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology Financial interests I was invited to chair the session on Global hystereoscopy Conference as I am member of Special interest group of hysterescopy in European society of Gynaecological Endoscopy. I did get conference fee not to pay in this occasion but other expenses as travel and hotel need it to be pay separately.
Peterson, Mr. Benjamin Inventory Specialist I have no interests to declare
Petrie, Mrs. Victoria Ann Head of Strategy Development Financial interests I periodically work as a private speech and language therapist in medico-legal cases. I have a very small caseload of only one case every 3-5 years, and avoid working in the South-East or in cases involving the NHS. My current case is based in London and involves a private hospital.
Petzold, Dr Laura Consultant Neurology I have no interests to declare
Phillips, Dr Trudie Jane Consultant Anaesthetics Financial interests Member of West Kent Anaesthetic Group providing anaesthetic services to KIMS and Nuffield hospitals.
Piletska, Dr Nataliya Sergiyivna Consultant Histopathology I have no interests to declare
Pochin, Miss Jelena (Jelena) Divisional Director for Operations I have no interests to declare
Pointer, Miss Sarah Lead Tissue Viability Nurse Non-financial professional interest CONVATEC are providing a fully funded 2 day study session to the Tissue Viability Nurses relating to our current dressing formulary
Pont, Miss Jessica Amelia Staff Nurse I have no interests to declare
Poon, Dr Daniel Stephen Consultant Radiologist Financial interests Private practice. KSRG radiology consortium
Porte, Dr Francois Nicholas Consultant Radiologist Financial interests Private practice on site at MTW and off site at private hospitals, as set out in job plan.
Powell, Mrs. Cindi Anne Inventory Specialist I have no interests to declare
Poynter, Mr. Liam Robert Consultant Surgery I have no interests to declare
Price, Mrs. Amanda Jane Workforce and OD Lead Indirect interests I am a director of Kisskadee Psychiatric Services Ltd which provides psychiatric assessment through NHS and private providers.
Pugh, Miss Sharon Hayley Inventory Specialist I have no interests to declare
Pulapalli, Dr Smitha Reddy Consultant Cardiology I have no interests to declare
Purcell-Jones, Dr Megan Hannah Consultant Accident & Emergency I have no interests to declare
Pym, Mr. David Robert Associate Director Capital Developments I have no interests to declare
Qureshi, Sarah Saeed Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
Rabone, Dr Amanda Young Consultant Radiologist Financial interests Private practice at KIMS / SMC General, breast and gynaecology imaging. Tues PM or Tues AM if I have the breast MDT in the PM.
Financial interests Private practice at Spire Tunbridge Wells. Do general, breast and gynaecology imaging work. Most commonly on a Tues PM or Tues AM when I have the breast MDT in the PM.
Financial interests Private practice at the Nuffield Tunbridge Wells. General, breast and gynaecology imaging usually on a Tues PM or Tues AM when I have the breast MDT in the PM.
Financial interests Private practice at KIMS / SMC General, breast and gynaecology imaging. Ad hoc. No regular sessions anymore.
Financial interests Private practice at Spire Tunbridge Wells. Do general, breast and gynaecology imaging work. Most commonly on a Tues AM.
Financial interests Private practice at the Nuffield Tunbridge Wells. General, breast and gynaecology imaging . No regular Nuffield sessions but often cover extra lists if needed.
Race, Dr Hermione Jane Consultant Paediatrics I have no interests to declare
Rajapakse, Dr Nandana Heethaka Consultant Elderly Care I have no interests to declare
Raman, Dr Rakeshkumar Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
Ramanuja, Dr Lakshmi GP General Practitioner I have no interests to declare
Ramsden, Mrs. Nicola Joanne Decontamination Manager I have no interests to declare
Ravikumar, Mr. Kasetti Jagannathaiah Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedics Indirect interests Do Private Practice in my field in Private hospitals.
Indirect interests We have a Private limited company with all 4 family members as the Shareholders and I am also a Director of this company.
Read, Mr. Ashley Michael Inventory Specialist I have no interests to declare
Reid, Dr Katharine Sian (Katy Davies) Consultant Elderly Care I have no interests to declare
Reynolds, Dr Lucinda Frances Medical Bank Consultant I have no interests to declare
Reynolds, Dr Paul Jonathan Consultant Elderly Care Indirect interests I work for ESHT, HEE and Horder Healthcare
Reynolds, Mrs. Lindsey Deputy General Manager I have no interests to declare
Rickwood, Mrs. Deborah May Infection Prevention and Control Team Administrator I have no interests to declare Infection Prevention & Control Conference Tuesday 17/10/2023
Rickwood, Mrs. Guat Cheng Bank Nurse Manager Band 8a I have no interests to declare
Rist, Mr. Connor Peter Systems Specialist I have no interests to declare
Robertson, Mrs. Louise Mary Lead Respiratory Practitioner Financial interests Our Respiratory Nursing Team have set up a patient support group for interstitial lung disease. The plan is to run this three times a year at Kings Hill community venue. The cost of hiring a hall is £42: 75 for two hours every thee months (yearly cost would be £171) Action for Plumonary Fibrosis is a charity who is supporting us with this project and applied for a grant of £350 to cover the venue costs and to provide teas and coffees for the next year or so.
Robinson, Mr. David Alan Divisional Director of Operations for Surgery I have no interests to declare
Rodrigues Machado Da Silva, Mrs. Joana Isabel Cardiac Nurse Specialist Financial interests The cardiac rehabilitation service at Tunbridge Wells Hospital was gifted 2 OxiPro OX2 pulse oximeters by one of our hospital volunteers. EME has confirmed the equipment is suitable to be used for patients and they will be used in our community venues during the cardiac rehabilitation exercise sessions to check patient’s pulses and SatO2. I have reported this to my line manager and lead nurse for the cardiac nurse specialists.
Rogers, Mrs. Helen Lucy Head of Orthoptics and Optometry Non-financial personal interests Trustee of St Nicholas Church, Allington, Maidstone, Kent. Treasurer for the church and responsible for claiming gift aid from HMRC for donations made to the church.
Ross-Parker, Dr Andrew Callum Consultant MAU I have no interests to declare
Rudd, Dr Ian David Nicholas (Ian) Consultant Urology I have no interests to declare
Rudge, Dr Benjamin Thomas Consultant Anaesthetics Financial interests Private practice with Tunbridge Wells Group of Anaesthetists LLP at Spire and Nuffield Tunbridge Wells. This is provided through a limited company – R&G Medical ltd, which is a corporate member of the above LLP.
Rushton, Dr Gary David Consultant Histopathology Financial interests Practising Privileges held at KIMS. Reporting of gynaecology histopathology which reflects my NHS practise. No fixed sessions or defined time commitment (approximately 4 hours per week) as my work is dependent on specimens generated by other clinicians.
Financial interests Practising Privileges held at Nuffield Health Tunbridge Wells. Reporting of gynaecology histopathology which reflects my NHS practise. No fixed sessions or defined time commitment (approximately 4 – 6 hours per week) as my work is dependent on specimens being generated by other clinicians.
Financial interests Practising Privileges held at Spire Hospital. Reporting of gynaecology histopathology which reflects my NHS practise. No fixed sessions or defined time commitment (approximately 4 hours per week) as my work is dependent on specimens generated by other clinicians.
Financial interests I retain practice privileges for private practice at the Nuffield Hospital Tunbridge Wells, KIMS Hospital Maidstone and The Spire Hospital at Walderslade. I only report gynaecological pathology which reflects my NHS practice. Total time spent each week is variable because my work is dependent on the clinicians/surgeons generating the pathology samples to be reported, but would be approximately 6 to 10 hours/week.
Rutter, Dr Dag Allenson Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
Ryan, Dr Natalie Clare Consultant Radiologist Financial interests I undertake private practice at KIMS hospital and Genesis Hospital
Ryan, Mrs. Claire Macmillan Breast Metastatic Nurse Consultant Indirect interests Honorarium for Consultancy Work for 1. Developing Nurse and Allied Health Care Professional Education within the breast cancer space both nationally and European nursing community 2. Advisory Boards with pharmaceutical industry to bridge new drugs/education/managing side effects within NHS organisation
Saha, Dr Amit Kumar Consultant Rheumatology Financial interests 1. Private Practise Work. Approved at job plan.
Financial interests 1. Paid £5000 a year as Speciality Lead for Medicine for KIMS- private hospital in Maidstone. Relates to only private work and not NHS work so conflict of interest and follows KIMS hospital governance rules.
Financial interests 1. Sponsorship of British Society of Rheumatology meeting in April 2025. Via Novartis. Estimated cost £1500 to £2000. 2. Part Sponsorship of EULAR (European meeting for Rheumatology) In June 2025. Estimated cost £850. All sponsorship complies with ABPI guidelines.
Saldanha, Dr Gerard Joseph Consultant Indirect interests I undertake private practice locally
Saman, Dr Harman Talat Locum Consultant I have no interests to declare
Samji, Dr Shairoz Locum Consultant Gastroenterology I have no interests to declare
Sansom, Miss Jane Head of Nursing I have no interests to declare
Saunders, Mrs. Jane Maria Director of Digital Transformation I have no interests to declare
Saunders, Dr Matthew Senior Clinical Fellow Anaesthetics Financial interests In addition to my NHS employment I also work as a private aesthetics practitioner. The aesthetics business I work for is owned by my wife. My duties include meeting with clients, discussing possible aesthetics procedures, completing a medical history and relevant examination, prescribing aesthetics treatments and performing aesthetics procedures. I receive no income for my work with the aesthetics business. However, as the company is owned by my wife, our household receives a financial income from her work within her aesthetics business. All aesthetic work is carried out in my own time and outside of my NHS employment.
Saw, Dr Sonia Consultant Cellular Pathology Financial interests I do clinical cellular pathology work for Spire Healthcare (Spire Alexandra Hospital) .
Schofield, Mr. Adam Peter Biomedical Scientist Non-financial professional interest Work 1 – 2 Saturday mornings (0.800 – 14.00) every month approx. Kent institute of medical science (KIMS) employs me to carry out routine laboratory work cross discipline (i.e. haematology and biochemistry, histology, microbiology). This is in line with my current role as a senior biomedical scientist, however I get paid a band 6 wages for the time done during Saturday. Very occasionally it is necessary to attend an extra shift Sunday morning but this occurs perhaps 1-2 a year. I have to perform mandatory training and training as required according to KIMS protocol which is also paid if required during a shift.
Sehjal, Mr. Ranjit Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedics I have no interests to declare
Seres, Dr Gabor Consultant Accident & Emergency Financial interests In the private practice I do, I provide acute and emergency care for immigrants. I have uploaded the relevant governance form into my appraisal.
Sevitt, Dr Timothy Andrew Consultant Oncology Financial interests Sees private patients at Genesiscare in Kings Hill. Clinic times from 6pm to 7.30pm on a Wednesday evening
Financial interests Works as MRLinac specialist for Genesiscare at the Cromwell Hospital on Monday mornings from 8.30 to 12.30am – employment stopping end of March 2024
Shah, Dr Riyaz Nazeerul Consultant Oncology Financial interests I am a paid advisory to the pharmaceutical and healthsciences industries. I receive payments for my advice as well as other educational activites such as being a speaker. All these interactions are disclosed via on an annual basis. I also advise non pharma oncology companies re devices and other technologies such as genomic testing. These amounts include hospitality to attend international meetings/conferences I trade through Riyaz Shah Oncology Limited
Shaker, Dr Layth Specialty Doctor Accident & Emergency (M) I have no interests to declare
Sharma, Dr Hemant Consultant Gastroenterology Indirect interests I do private practice at benenden hospital and also have practising rights at the spire tunbridge wells hospital and nuffield hospital tunbridge wells Most of my practice though happens at the wells suite Tunbridge wells.
Shaw, Dr Aidan Gareth Consultant Radiologist I have no interests to declare
Shotton, Mr. John Carr Medical Bank Consultant I have no interests to declare
Sigston, Dr Paul Edmund Locum Consultant Anaesthetics Financial interests I undertake clinical private practice, which also includes medicolegal reports.
Sinden, Dr Mark Peter Consultant Anaesthetics (OBS) Financial interests I conduct private practice in anaesthesia, but this does not conflict with my NHS contractual commitments
Singh, Dr Aparajita Locum Consultant Radiology I have no interests to declare
Sinha, Dr Ragini Shona (Shona) Consultant Histopathology Financial interests I report private Breast, Lung and GI histopathology, cytology and molecular specimens for KIMS Hospital, Maidstone, Kent.
Sivappriyan, Dr Sivasubramaniam (Siva) Consultant Diabetics Financial interests A staff member is a Director of a registered company,
Financial interests I am a Consultant undertakes private practice for a non-NHS organisation
Slack, Dr Robert Alexander Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology I have no interests to declare
Slater, Mr. Guy Julian Robert Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedics Financial interests Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at KIMS hospital. My clinical practice mirrors my NHS practice. Outpatient clinics Monday and Thursday pm Operating list Friday am & pm
Financial interests MSK lead at KIMS hospital. Attend MAC meetings at KIMS and quarterly MSK speciality meetings in evening outside NHS commitments. Receive £5000 PA
Non-financial professional interest Matchday doctor for Blackheath RFC and Kent RFU. Receive no direct payment. Will receive on occasion lunch and beverages when attending matches or Kent finals day. Invited to attend Kent RFU annual awards dinner but don’t always attend. May receive up to 4 international tickets to rugby matches per year.
Sluga, Dr Graciela Beatriz Consultant Microbiologist I have no interests to declare
Smart, Dr Helen Elizabeth Hull GP General Practitioner Non-financial professional interest I have two paid jobs. Both in General Practice and in A&E as a GP with MTW. I also attend a New To Practice Programme a number of times throughout the year. Many thanks.
Smith, Dr Katherine Erica Consultant Acute Physician I have no interests to declare
Smith, Mr. Thomas Joseph Consultant Urology Financial interests Clinical Private Practice. KIMS hospital and Spire Hospital Tunbridge wells/Nuffield. Urology procedures only that mirrors NHS practice. Timings as per job plan.
Smyth, Dr Emma Rose (Collinson) Consultant Paediatrics I have no interests to declare
Somasundaram, Dr Kumar Consultant Paediatrics Financial interests I have private practice clincs at Nuffield Tunbridge Wells Paediatric diagnostics Gatwick Tunbridge Wells Hospital
Sommerville, Dr Garth Paul Consultant Anaesthetics I have no interests to declare
Soo, Dr Chee Kin (Chee) Consultant Elderly Care Financial interests With Horder Centre
Soorma, Mr. Akbar Consultant Accident & Emergency I have no interests to declare
Springbett, Dr Peter Edward Consultant Elderly Care I have no interests to declare
Squirrell, Mrs. Sharon Associate Director of Nursing Services I have no interests to declare
Stannard, Dr Kathryn J D Consultant Anaesthetics I have no interests to declare
Stephenson, Mrs. Gemma Louise (Gem) Head of Information Governance & ICT Risk Management I have no interests to declare
Stevens, Mrs. Victoria Helen Louise Logistics Manager I have no interests to declare
Stiff, Mr. Christopher Anthony (Chris) MES Project Director I have no interests to declare
Still, Mrs. Carol Information Analyst (PDS Access) I have no interests to declare
Streeter, Dr Graham Medical Examiner I have no interests to declare
Suarez Chavez, Mr. Alejandro Rene Senior Sister/Charge Nurse Financial interests Declaration on Behalf of Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust. Tunbridge Wells Hospital Intensive Care Unit submitted a request on 04/09/23 to Pfizer for an award of £12,000. This award aims to enable the unit to achieve certification from the HU-CI Project, which recognises healthcare providers that comply with the necessary requirements to provide humanised and quality healthcare. Tunbridge Wells Hospital ICU received a grant of £12,000 from Pfizer. The grant was intended to conduct an independent medical education program called “ITU Humanisation Project”. The contract between the Tunbridge Wells ICU and Pfizer clarifies that it is a grant. The contract also states that there is no conflict of interest involved, and the funding is not conditioned on any pre-existing or future business relationship between Pfizer and Tunbridge Wells ICU or Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust. Furthermore, the grant recipient is not obliged or induced to purchase, order, prescribe, or recommend any product of Pfizer or any Pfizer affiliate. The funding must be used solely for the program.
Sudesh, Dr Roshin Mirza Consultant MAU I have no interests to declare
Sugihara, Dr Conn Padraig Consultant Cardiology I have no interests to declare
Sullivan, Miss Kym Divisional Director of Operations for W&C I have no interests to declare
Summers, Dr Jeffrey (Jeff) Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
Sykes, Mr. Richard James Head of Financial Management I have no interests to declare
Synowiec, Dr Alicja Danuta Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
Szeto, Dr Matthew Chak Hin (Matthew) Consultant Acute Physician Financial interests Speaker Fee from pharmaceutical company (UCB)
Tang, Dr Chun Hong Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedics I have no interests to declare
Tawfiq, Mr. Osama Mikdad (Sam) Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedics I have no interests to declare
Taylor, Dr Andrew Frederick Consultant Anaesthetics Financial interests KIMS hospital and Nuffield Health TUNBRIDGE WELL Anaesthesia for theatre procedures Pre dominantly Tuesdays and occasional Saturdays or time shifted alternative weekdays
Taylor, Dr Christine Hilary Consultant Anaesthetics I have no interests to declare
Taylor, Dr Henry John Hunter Consultant Oncology Indirect interests I run a private oncology service from GenesisCare – reviewing and treating patients with urological cancers from West Kent area.
Tetley, Mrs. Bronwyn Catherine Lead Pathway Nurse Co-ordinator Non-financial professional interest Lower Gastro Intestinal Operational Meeting
Financial interests LGI Operational Meeting Sponsored by MERCK – Paula Naraine Final Arrangements now in place
Thom, Dr Christopher Henry Consultant Stroke Medicine Financial interests Private practice at KIMS Hospital, comprising an outpatient clinic in elderly care and stroke medicine on Wednesday afternoon two or three times per month and occasional care of inpatients.
Financial interests Sponsorship to attend the European Stroke Organisation Conference in Lyons in May 2022
Thomas, Dr Carys Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
Thompson, Mr. Ian Inventory Specialist I have no interests to declare
Timbers, Mrs. Audrey Jean Cardiac Specialist Nurse Financial interests Sponsored attendance at the 2023 British Society for Heart Failure annual conference by Novartis
Astra Zenica sponsored meeting 24th June 2024 ( pm). Cardiac / Renal / Diabetes nurse specialists. Presentation preparation, pre presentation meeting (10/05/24) – 45 minutes. Delivery of lecture and Q&A ( 45 minutes) 90 minutes in total – £322.50 Contract reference AZSP049006
Tolley, Miss Danielle Category Specialist I have no interests to declare
Tompsett, Miss Hannah Ruth Deputy Chief Nurse I have no interests to declare
Topic Grahovac, Dr Iva Consultant Otolaryngologist I have no interests to declare
Townsend, Dr Emma Catherine Consultant Accident & Emergency Financial interests I work privately – and have uploaded my governance form to my appraisal
Tricker, Mr. Stephen John (Steve) Deputy Head of Workforce Improvement and Resourcing I have no interests to declare
Trundle-Martin, Mrs. Francesca Catherine Director of Pathology Transformation I have no interests to declare
Tucker, Mr. Mark John Senior Projects Officer I have no interests to declare
Turner, Dr Angus William Mure Consultant Anaesthetics I have no interests to declare
Turner, Dr Jennifer Yvonne Consultant Oncology Financial interests Private Practice at Circle Health Group Chaucer Hospital and Genesis care centre. OP clinic once a week is included in my NHS job plan.
Financial interests Private Practice
Tyler, Mrs. Jackie Head of Nursing I have no interests to declare
Uhercik, Dr Michal Consultant Breast Surgery Indirect interests European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC) 2024 in Milan Italy
Underhill, Mr. Michael Edward Deputy Head of Emergency Planning & Response Financial interests The Operational Flow/CCC Team attended the HSJ Awards on 22.06.2023. This was a joint entry between TeleTrackingUK and MTW. 10 individuals attended, and this includes 2 from TeleTrackingUK. The TeleTrackingUKL Team paid for the table which Steve Orpin as Executive Director of Finance was aware of. MTW paid for their own transport and accomodation. Each individual made their own way to London and back. Before the event, all attendees had lunch together. The intention was that everybody would pay for themselves. The individuals from TeleTrackingUK decided to pay for the overall bill (approximately £30pp).
Urie, Mr. Robert James Inventory Specialist I have no interests to declare
Urs, Dr Mithuna Bidadi Niranjan Raj Consultant Paediatrics I have no interests to declare
Velayudham, Mr. Senthil Kumar (Kumar) Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedics I have no interests to declare
Verma, Dr Monika Consultant Cellular Pathology Financial interests I do private practice at KIMS hospital, Maidstone and Spire Hospital. I practice histopathology there in my subspecialties.
Financial interests I run private limited company Ashv limited doing property letting/buying business.
Non-financial professional interest I am not sure if this is applicable. But as part of my job, I work for third parties like The Royal College of Pathologists, KMMS, Kent and NHS England (for ST1 histopathology interviews). These are non-remunerative and as part of my job, I get leave/time out to do this.
Virani, Dr Gemma Lian Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedics I have no interests to declare
Viner, Mrs. Gemma Divisional Director of Nursing and Quality I have no interests to declare
Vithayathil, Dr Kurian Joseph Consultant GUM I have no interests to declare
Vittay, Dr Gyorgy Medical Bank Consultant I have no interests to declare
Wadey, Mrs. Charlotte Ann Deputy Chief Nurse I have no interests to declare
Wakefield, Miss Layla Consultant Biomedical Scientist I have no interests to declare
Wakeham, Dr Niklas Rufus (Nick) Consultant Radiologist Financial interests Private practise undertaken as per job plan.
Walecka, Dr Agnieszka Krystyna Consultant Anaesthetics Financial interests Anaesthetic on-call commitments at the Lister Hospital Chelsea London.
Wallace, Dr Graeme Andrew Consultant Stroke Medicine Financial interests I have received a one off payment from Novartis for an educational session pertaining to their pharmaceutical product, Inclisiran.
Financial interests I have been offered a sponsored invitation to attend the European Society of Cardiology Annual Conference in London in August 2024 as a guest of Novartis and am likely to be involved to some degree in promotional activity (specific not yet available). No mention of financial remuneration to date but my conference ticket and expenses will be covered.
Waller, Dr Arabella Claire Consultant Acute Physician Financial interests Lecturer passpaces course
Waters, Dr Justin Consultant Oncology Financial interests I undertake private medical practice in medical oncology, with clinics at the BMI Chaucer Hospital on Thursday evening, and Genesis Care on Wednesday evening. My scope of practice is upper GI, neuroendocrine, ovarian and GIST tumours.
Financial interests Sponsorship provided by Servier pharmaceurical company to attend ESMO conference in Barcelona, covering transportation, conference registration, hotel accommodation and subsistence costs
Financial interests Chaired educational meeting sponsored by Servier pharmaceutical company, for which I received £600 compensation
Financial interests Hosted webinar sponsored by Bristol Myers Squibb pharmaceutical company, for which I was paid £900
Financial interests Consultancy for Astellas Pharma for which I will be remunerated £328.50
Webster, Dr Simon Edward Consultant Respiratory Financial interests Private practice
Webster, Dr Tara June Consultant Anaesthetics I have no interests to declare
Weeks, Mr. John Stephen EPRR and Communication Director I have no interests to declare
Westwood, Dr Andrew James Consultant Neurology I have no interests to declare
Wetton, Dr Charles William Neve Consultant Radiologist I have no interests to declare
Wheeler, Dr Ashley Roy (Roy Wheeler) Consultant Radiologist Financial interests Private practice in the areas of radiology and interventional radiology as part of the Maidstone Radiology Group. Occasionally work at KIMS hospital and GenesisCare Maidstone. Hours practiced are not fixed, generally 3 hours per week (evenings and weekends). 1 hours per week allocated to private work during working hours at an NHS site, the hour is recouped as part of my job plan.
White, Miss Hannah Charlotte Divisional Director of Nursing and Quality I have no interests to declare
Wight, Dr James Matthew Consultant Anaesthetics I have no interests to declare
Whitfield, Mr. Brian Associate Director of Facilities I have no interests to declare
Wilkinson, Miss Louise Julia Head of Digital Programmes I have no interests to declare
Williams, Dr Robert Clive Consultant Anaesthetics I have no interests to declare
Williams, Dr Timothy Mark Consultant Cardiology Non-financial professional interest 2 day course sponsored by Philips regarding Coronary Lesion preparation
Non-financial professional interest 1 x session per week at West Kent Cardiology Partnership. Practising privileges at Wells Suite for procedures privately at TWH. 1 session alternate weeks at KIMS for procedures
Wood, Dr James David Alexander Consultant Anaesthetics I have no interests to declare
Woodard, Mr. David John Systems Specialist I have no interests to declare
Woodard, Mrs. Josephine Mary Deputy General Manager I have no interests to declare
Woodman, Dr Isabel Jennifer Consultant Histopathology I have no interests to declare
Wright, Mr. Christopher James (Chris) Consultant Surgery Financial interests I have a private practice working at both the Nuffield and Spire Hospitals. These are on non NHS sessions and do not impact on my NHS work.
Wykes, Dr Clare Elizabeth Consultant Haematology I have no interests to declare
Yamamoto, Mr. Hidekazu (Hide) Consultant Urology Financial interests I undertake private practice at the following 4 sites. Spire Tunbridge Wells (clinics and non-major urological surgery), every monday AM Nuffield Tunbridge Wells (clinics and non-major urological surgery) – every thursday AM, sometimes PM GenesisCare Maidstone (clinics only) – every 2 weeks, half a day Eastbourne Hospital (robotic prostatectomy only) – saturdays, once every 2 months.
Non-financial professional interest Specialist committee member for NICE from 2021-2023.
Yarrow, Dr Kate Sarah Consultant Accident & Emergency I have no interests to declare
Yates, Dr Victoria Katherine Consultant Accident & Emergency I have no interests to declare
Young, Mr. James Alexander Shennan Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedics I have no interests to declare
Zeniou, Dr Anthi Consultant Oncology I have no interests to declare
Zhao, Dr Craig Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedics I have no interests to declare

Trust Board (2024-2025)

Employee Position Interest category Description
Briggs, Mr. Sean Daniel Chief Operating Officer Non-financial professional interest Director of 180 Boundaries Road Limited on behalf of Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Choong, Mrs. Maureen Non-Executive Director Financial interests Special Advisor Care Quality Commission
Financial interests Interim Associate Governance Coach UK Ltd
Non-financial personal interests Director Sitti Salon Escape Ltd
Cox, Professor Karen Associate Non-Executive Director Financial interests Nursing and Midwifery Council Member/Charity Trustee
Non-financial professional interest South East LEP, Director
Outside employment Vice Chancellor, University of Kent
Loyalty interests Board Director UCEA
Loyalty interests Board Member, UUK
Loyalty interests Kent, Surrey, Sussex ARC, Board Member
Loyalty interests Member, University of Kent Academy Trust
Loyalty interests RCN Member
Finn, Mr. Richard Associate Non-Executive Director Non-financial professional interest Director, Richard Finn Ltd
Non-financial professional interest Richard Finn Ltd
Non-financial professional interest Trustee Demelza Children’s Hospice
Non-financial personal interests Director, Goring Place Ltd
Non-financial professional interest Membership of the Maggie’s Kent Project Board which is ensuring alignment between Maggie’s and MTW during the project which is likely to be complete in 2027.
Griffiths, Mr. Neil Anthony Non-Executive Director Financial interests I am European Managing Director for TeleTracking Technologies and as a result lead our work with the NHS
Non-financial professional interest Advisory Board member NHS Staff College
Haworth, Mrs. Joanna (Jo) Chief Nurse Non-financial personal interests I am a trustee for Mosaic Clubhouse – This is a charity which aims to promote positive mental health in those aged 16 and over with existing mental health conditions.
Highton, Mr. David Peter Chair of the Board Non-financial professional interest Chair ACG Lettings Ltd – a residential lettings company owned by Demelza Hospice Care for Children
Non-financial professional interest Chair Buckinghamshire Health NHS Trust
Non-financial professional interest Strategic Health Adviser to Servita Group A professional services company in UK, Middle East and Far East
Non-financial professional interest Owner and Director Hyperium Ltd – a consulting and advisory company
Non-financial professional interest Trustee Demelza Hospice Care for Children
Jones, Miss Rachel Director of Strategy, Planning & Partnerships I have no interests to declare
Morgan, Mr. David William Non-Executive Director Financial interests AMTE Power plc
Financial interests Nova Pangaea Holdings Limited
Non-financial personal interests Son works for Grant Thornton
Non-financial personal interests Piazza Barnaloft Management Limited
Mumford, Dr Sara Director of Infection Prevent & Control Financial interests I chair an expert panel for the Scottish Hospitals Inquiry, a public inquiry into the design and construction of the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and the Royal Children’s Hospital in Glasgow. This work is carried out in addition to my NHS commitment. If any work for the inquiry is carried out during NHS time, this is recorded and ‘paid back’ in time at a later date. This role is likely to continue until late 2024 but could potentially extend into 2025. Approved by Miles Scott
Orpin, Mr. Stephen (Steve) Director of Finance Non-financial professional interest I am a Non-Executive Director of NHS Innovations South East , This post is not remunerated and is held on behalf of Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust.
Pettitt-Mitchell, Mrs. Emma Louise Non-Executive Director Indirect interests Director ELM Business Consultancy Ltd Partner TheACEGroup LLP
Steen, Mrs. Susan (Sue) Chief People Officer Non-financial professional interest Committee Member of Kent CIPD Branch
Non-financial professional interest Trustee of St Margaret’s Hospice, Somerset This is a voluntary non paid appointment.
Webber, Mrs. Joanna Mary Associate Non-Executive Director Non-financial personal interests I am the Chair of In Control Partnerships, a charity promoting independent living for people with disabilities.
Indirect interests Daughter in law works for East Sussex NHS Trust and 2Gether as a Non Executive Director.
Non-financial personal interests I am the Chair of In Control Partnerships, a charity promoting independent living for people with disabilities.
Wright, Dr Wayne Non-Executive Director Indirect interests I am a director and shareholder for Kytappo Healthcare Technologies Ltd
Indirect interests I am a director and shareholder of PayPill LLC based in the US
Indirect interests I am a partner and shareholder of W Square International LLP
Yew, Mr. Alex Non-Executive Director Indirect interests My wife is a Planning Officer with Maidstone Borough Council
Non-financial personal interests I am a Director and Shareholder of the following Personal Service Companies which I use for providing consulting work and holding personal investments: AY Infra and Energy Ltd AY Ventures Consulting Ltd AYCH Holdings Limited
Non-financial professional interest I am an Associate Non-executive Director with Kent and Medway Integrated Care Board
Non-financial professional interest I am a Non-executive Director with the following companies: GCP Infrastructure Investments Ltd Plenary Europe Ltd West Kent Housing Association (from June 2023) Finca UK (from April 2023) Rockdale Housing Association (from November 2022)