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Emergency Planning & Response

The Trust works with partners across the health economy and in local emergency services to ensure we can respond to emergencies. We carry out regular exercises to test procedures and have a comprehensive training programme. Emergency Planning is overseen by our Emergency Planning team who can be contacted by email at

Non-Executive Director, Maureen Choong and Chief Operating Officer, Sean Briggs, assist in ensuring the Trust Board is aware of the preparedness of the Trust to respond to emergencies.

The Trust has Resilience Committee that considers all aspects of preparedness which is chaired by an Executive Director. The Trust is also an active member of the Kent & Medway NHS Emergency Planning Group and the South East London, Kent & Medway Trauma Network Emergency Planning Reference Group.

The Trust is a member of the Kent Resilience Forum which brings together all the emergency services and other responders such as the NHS, utilities and the voluntary sector. You can find out more about their work, including the community risk register at

Read our emergency planning annual report to the Trust Board.


Useful resources

Some photos from some recent exercises: