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Talk to us

We want to hear from you, whether you have a compliment, comment, concern or complaint. We aim to deliver the highest standards of care, treatment and compassion, and listening to you will help us improve the patient experience.

If something isn’t right, ask to speak to the person in charge. They may be able to sort out the problem straight away.

You can also speak to a member of the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) during office hours, or the site practitioner at evenings and weekends.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome, please contact our Complaints team.

Alternatively you can follow what our Trust is up to and give us your feedback via our social media profiles on X @MTWnhs and Facebook mymtwhealthcare and Instagram @mtw_nhs_trust.

NHS Friends and Family Test

Your opinion and experience of our services is important to us. Our Friends and Family Test (FFT) gives you the opportunity to leave feedback on the care and treatment you received. The short survey is free, anonymous and can be completed online.