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Referrals into our service

As of 20th July we are offering services at Maidstone Hospital, Gravesend Community Hospital and South Park Surgery, Sevenoaks

You can refer yourself to our clinic by contacting us and the numbers are listed below:

Contact details for our HIV services:

The Rubin Clinic Maidstone on 0300 373 0709

The Riverside Clinic Gravesend on 0300 373 0709

The Rubin Clinic South Park Surgery 0300 373 0709


Services are open 9-5pm Monday to Friday

As of 1st July our routine HIV clinics are open but we are operating telephone triage appointments so we can assess patients first and then arrange a face to face appointment in the clinic.

If you wish to make a referral please see the information below:

HIV referrals                      

To make a referral for HIV positive care needs please refer to Maidstone or Gravesend services.

Both services can be contacted by sending a referral letter to

HIV Consultant at Maidstone Dr Lesley Navaratne

HIV Consultant at Gravesend Dr Katie Conway

Secretary 01622 225707

Sexual and Reproductive Health referrals

For asymptomatic routine STI screening patients please refer patients to – if you feel that a patient will not be able to order a test on line please ask them to call the clinic or send a referral letter.

For patients with symptoms of an STI please ask the patient to contact the service directly

For patents who require contraception please ask the patient to contact the service directly

If you have concerns that the patient may not be able to contact us then please send in a referral. We are aware that some of the very young, older patients, those with physical, sensory or learning disability may be best managed through a referral first.

To make a referral for any complex sexually and reproductive health care needs please send a referral letter to

Deep Implant removal services: Dr Ruhi Jawad

Medically complex contraception: Dr Ruhi Jawad

Recurrent urethral/vaginal infections: Maidstone Dr Isabel Okplauba      Gravesend Dr Katie Conway

Genital dermatology services: Dr Lesley Navaratne

Psychosexual services: Psychosexual Manager, The Kent Psychosexual Service, Dover Health Centre, Maison Dieu Road, Dover CT16 1RH


If a patient does need to attend any of our clinics in person please read the information below which explains  the current process we are following:

  • Patients should be advised  not attend if they feel they may have symptoms of COVID 19 infection or have a temperature – they will not be allowed to attend for their appointment if they have a temperature
  • The Hospitals are checking patient temperatures on arrival at the main reception and this can delay a patient attending on time for their appointment so we advise arriving 10 minutes earlier.
  • Patients must wear a face covering or mask at all times while in the hospital
  • Please note that main doors to our clinics may be closed and they will have to knock on the door to be allowed in when they arrive at the clinic
  • They will be asked to sit in a socially distant way in the waiting area
  • They may be asked to enter and exit through different doors and staff will guide them as to what to do our clinics