Infection control is paramount in the neonatal unit. Premature and sick babies are especially vulnerable to acquiring infections, and our care is planned to minimise this infection risk. It is essential that all staff, parents and visitors adhere to important measures to prevent infections.
Hand hygiene is one of the most important measures to prevent cross infection. We ask that everyone entering the Neonatal Unit wash their hands thoroughly and remove outdoor clothing. On all cots there is an alcohol hand rub to be used prior to, and after handling the babies. There are cleaning wipes on the walls of all the nurseries to wipe down the cot space, for example following a nappy change.
All babies have their own personal items in the cot e.g. cotton wool, scissors, tape, changing bowls etc, again to minimise cross infection.
If you or your family are unwell, for example a cold, sore throat, flu, tummy bug or any other potentially infectious bugs/viruses, please ask for advice on whether it is appropriate to visit safely.