Tunbridge Wells Hospital League of Friends was formed in 2012 following the merger of the Pembury Hospital League of Friends and the League of Friends of Kent and Sussex Hospital, on the opening of the present hospital.
All the members of the Council give their time voluntarily and over the years we have raised millions of pounds for the benefit of patients and staff, thanks to the generosity of members of the public and local businesses, who continue to support us with donations, legacies and fundraising events.
In association with the Maidstone League of Friends we have contributed £30,000 for the installation of free wifi in both hospitals to enable patients to use their phones and iPads more easily and in May 2019 provided £35,000 for the purchase of an ICU ultrasound machine (as shown above with chairman Gary Purdy and Dr Nikail Balani).
We receive regular requests from the hospital, which we scrutinise carefully and at present we are fundraising for the redecoration of the new paediatric waiting room as well as providing funding and training for an end-of-life care visitor. These are just a couple of our current projects.
Lady Mills is our President and the council, which is chaired by Gary Purdy, is enthusiastic and committed.
We are always looking for new volunteers to join us in this very rewarding work, so if you would like to find out more about what we do and how you can support us, visit www.friendsoftwhospital.org for more details.
Donating to the League of Friends
One of the easiest ways to support us is by making a donation. This might be a regular payment or a single gift.
You can donate via our Just Giving page.
Alternatively you can send a cheque to The League of Friends of Tunbridge Wells Hospital, c/o Tunbridge Wells Hospital, Tonbridge Road, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells
Kent TN2 4QJ. Or make a direct payment to our bank – sort code: 40-52-40, account number: 00010942.
Legacies: you can also help us by remembering The League of Friends in your will. For more details please contact our Treasurer, Neelum Poore at email@friendsoftwhospital.org
Also, you can raise funds for the League of Friends when you shop on line at no cost to you at easyfundraising.org.uk. When you make a purchase with one of the 2700-plus participating retailers, that retailer will make a donation to the League of Friends of Tunbridge Wells Hospital.