Our philosophy is to provide a safe and high standard of care throughout the endoscopy process. High standards of care come from individual skills within a multidisciplinary team encompassing the rights and needs of each patient regardless of race, colour or creed.
Essential to our philosophy is a high standard of communication skills within our multidisciplinary team, to provide safe care for the patient.
Standard performance of the endoscopy service will be monitored using “The Globe Rating Score” as recommended by the JAG (Joint Advisory Group) with reference to regulations from the Medical Defence Union and the Royal College of Nursing.
Our aim is to ensure that our clinical practice is based on up to date information to safeguard a high standard of care for every patient that visits the unit. This is supported by regular training updates for all clinical staff and evidenced by audit results.
The team ensure that the units are maintained as a pleasant working environment, that all staff have up to date training records and regularly participate in the multidisciplinary team meetings. This is supported by regular clinical governance meetings, staff meetings and endoscopy user group meetings. Every member of staff has an annual appraisal and a personal development plan to support their career in endoscopy.