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Anaesthetic department

The department provides anaesthetic services for a wide range of surgical specialties at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells hospitals. Anaesthetists are responsible for anaesthesia in operating theatres and for the general care of patients and pain relief before, during and after operations. They are also responsible for managing the intensive care department and its patients.

The department specialises in providing anaesthesia, in the management of acute and chronic pain, intensive care, obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia, pre-operative assessment, cardiopulmonary exercise testing and risk assessment, resuscitation and teaching.

The department is also closely involved in all aspects of resuscitation of very ill and severely injured patients. In addition, the department provides 24 hour cover for intensive therapy and pain relief during labour for the maternity unit.

The Anaesthetic department consists of 32 Consultants, 16 Speciality Anaesthetists, and 21 Anaesthetic Trainee Doctors.

The roles of the Anaesthetist are:

  • To discuss your anaesthetic with you
  • Discuss the risks and benefits of the types of anaesthesia available
  • Provide you with an anaesthetic plan including pain relief and postoperative care
  • Be responsible for your care and safety throughout your anaesthetic and surgery
  • Provide appropriate post-operative care including intensive care.

For patient information and frequently asked questions about anaesthesia and how to prepare for your procedure, visit The Royal College of Anaesthetists website.

We also run simulation training for staff.

Read our Patient Information Leaflet about You and Your Anaesthetic.