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The Delivery Suite at Tunbridge Wells has modern spacious rooms with en-suite facilities, climate control for your comfort  and lighting dimmers to bring about a calming birthing environment.

Our Delivery Suite is suitable for women with both midwife-led pregnancies and those who require closer monitoring. The maternity unit has 15 birthing rooms, rooms set up as home from home, two of which have birthing pools.

Our facilities also include two Obstetric Theatres, a two bedded Recovery area and two Maternity Enhanced Care rooms. The Neonatal unit is situated next to Delivery Suite should your baby require any extra care.

You will be cared for by a midwife at all times during your stay, including one to one care during labour. Our services are provided by a team of midwives (including students), doctors, anaesthetists and maternity support workers 24 hours a day.

We promote active birth and should your baby need continuous monitoring in labour, we have four wireless monitoring devices. We have the use of birthing balls and our rooms our very spacious to enable you to have an active birth.



Birth Optimising

There are many ways you can achieve a positive birth experience regardless of how your baby is born. Here at MTW, we encourage all mothers-to-be to read about our Birth Optimising practices.

Please visit our Birth Optimising page for more information.

Pain Relief

There are many options available for pain management in labour including TENS machines, Water and complementary therapies. However, on Delivery Suite you have access to many other forms of pain relief, including gas and air (Entonox) and epidurals. Epidurals are only available on the Delivery Suite.

Please visit our Pain Relief page for more information.





Click here for the latest visiting policy during the Coronavirus pandemic.  

There is a waiting room on Delivery Suite for your visitors, which has access to vending machines.

If your baby’s birth is straightforward and you and your baby do not require any additional observations or treatment, you may be discharged home from Delivery Suite. This will be discussed with you on an individual basis.

If you remain in the hospital following your birth, you will be cared for on the Post-natal ward, staffed by midwives and support workers. One nominated person is able to stay with you overnight.

Please visit our Postnatal Ward page for more information.

If you plan to have your baby by Elective Caesarean you will be cared for by a dedicated theatre team, including nurses and midwives.

Please visit our Elective Caesarean page for more information.

Find us

Tunbridge Wells Hospital, Tonbridge Road, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Tunbridge Wells, TN2 4QJ

How to get here