Recite me link

1. Please provide the name, email address and phone number for your Trust’s Medical Device Trainer
2. Does your trust utilise e-learning for clinical application training for medical devices? (Remit of the Medical Device Trainer?)
3. Please provide the name, email address and phone number for your Trust’s Learning and Development Manager
4. Within decontamination science, does the Trust utilise apprenticeships? (Remit of Learning and Development Manager)
5. Within medical engineering/clinical engineering/medical physics, does the Trust utilise apprenticeships? (Remit of Learning and Development Manager)
6. Does your Trust utilise a third party company for training medical engineering/clinical engineering/medical physics – i.e. the repair of medical devices? If so, what is the name of the third party?
7. Does your Trust utilise a third party company for training sterile services staff – operators/ technicians? If so, what is the name of the third party?
8. Does the Trust utilise the Salisbury framework for non apprenticeship training courses (Remit of Learning and Development Manager)
9. Regarding the sterilisation of surgical instruments and endoscopes, does the trust undertake this ‘in-house’ or outsource the requirement?
9a. If outsourced, what company provides the service?
9b. If managed in-house, how many people operate in the sterilisation department?
10. Please provide the name, email address and phone number for the person responsible for sterilisation of the Trust’s medical devices

Training and apprenticeships.280922.docx