System: Rostering
For each of the staff group categories:
1. Does you Trust use an E-Rostering provider? (Yes/No – if No, have you previously tried to implement an e-rostering provider? Please name the provider).
2. What is the name of your E-Rostering provider?
3. If the software provider is not in the list – Please type
4. When was the contract for the software you currently use for E-Rostering signed?
5. When does the contract for the software you currently use for E-Rostering expire?
6. Was the e-rostering software procured through a framework?
7. What is the name of the framework the e-rostering software was procured using?
8. What was the Trust’s total spend on E-Rostering fees in 2020 – not incl. Implementation?
9. How many workers were actively E-Rostered at your Trust in 2020?
10. Does the rostering system integrate to ESR?
11. Does the rostering system integrate to PAS?
12. What system do you use for rota planning? E.g. eRota
13. Who is the Senior Responsible Officer for E-Rostering?
System: Bank
For each of the staff group categories:
1. Do you have a staff bank provider? (Yes/No – if No, please provide more details).
2. What is the name of your staff bank provider?
3. If the software provider is not in the list – Please type
4. Was the bank software procured through a framework?
5. What is the name of the framework the bank provider was procured using?
6. What was the contract signed date for the provider you currently use for your staff bank?
7. What was the contract expiry date for the provider you currently use for your staff bank?
8. What was the Trust’s spend on bank staff wages in 2020?
9. What was the Trust’s spend on agency staff wages in 2020?
10. What was the Trust’s spend on its Staff Bank provider fees in 2020?
System: Collaborative Bank
For each of the staff group categories:
1. Is your Trust part of a collaborative Bank? (Yes/No)
2. Who is the technology provider for the collaborative bank?
3. If the software provider is not in the list – Please type
4. What was the contract signed date of Trust joining the Collaborative Bank?
5. When does the contract for the Collaborative Bank expire?
System: Managed Service
For each of the staff group categories:
1. Do you use a third-party managed service provider to manage your temporary staff bank? (yes/no)
2. What is the name of your third-party Managed Service provider?
3. What was the contract signed date for the provider you currently use for your managed service?
4. What was the contract expiry date for the provider you currently use for your managed service?
5. What was the Trust’s spend on its Managed Service provider fees in 2020?
System: VMS
For each of the staff group categories:
1. Do you use a VMS provider? (Yes/No/Not Applicable)
2. What is the name of your VMS Provider?
3. What was the contract signed date for the provider you currently use?
4. What is the contract expiry date for the provider you currently use?
5. What was the Trust’s spend on its VMS provider fees in 2020?
System: DE
For each of the staff group categories:
1. Do you use an On Payroll Service Provider (Direct Engagement)? (Yes/No)
2. What is the name of your DE Provider?
3. If the software provider is not in the list – Please type
4. What was the contract signed date for the provider you currently use?
5. What is the contract expiry date for the provider you currently use?
6. What was the Trust’s spend on its DE provider fees in 2020?