Please note the questionnaire refers only to day patient chemotherapy units treating ADULTS with cancer. Please exclude answers for any units only treating children or non-cancer conditions.
1) Does your trust host one or more day patient chemotherapy unit (s)?
Yes / No (delete as appropriate)
If No, please return the questionnaire at this stage – no further questions need to be answered.
If Yes, how many day patient chemotherapy units does your trust host, and on how many sites?
i) Number of day patient chemotherapy units =
ii) Number of different hospital sites within the trust that provide day patient chemotherapy =
For each separate chemotherapy unit (service), please answer the following questions about the CURRENT situation at your trust
2. For each chemotherapy unit please indicate the following:
a) Is it a static or mobile unit? (delete as appropriate) Mobile / Static
b) How many treatment chairs are there in the unit? (insert number)
c) What are the opening hours of the unit for patients (insert NA if not applicable)?
d) What services are provided within the unit? (delete as appropriate)
i) Group introductory sessions
ii) Individual introductory sessions
iii) Pre-chemotherapy assessments
iv) Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) insertion clinic
v) Phlebotomy
vi) Central line flush
vii) Non-medical or medical prescribing
viii) Supportive therapies (e.g. blood transfusions, IV fluids, bisphosphonates etc.)
ix) External chemotherapy administration services (e.g. homecare)
x) Clinical trial management
xi) Other services (please describe any additional services provided in the day unit by its staff)
e) How many registered nurses are rostered to be on duty each day? (insert target number of staff per shift- as appropriate for unit)
f) How many Clinical Support Workers are rostered to be on duty each day? (insert target number of staff)
g) How many patients have received SACT (chemotherapy and biological therapy) in the 12-month period to 31st August 2021?
h) How many SACT appointments were attended in the 12-month period to 31st August 2021?
3. For each chemotherapy unit, how many Working Time Equivalent (WTE) members of staff are currently employed SPECIFICALLY in the chemotherapy unit in the following roles (please exclude any vacant positions from the number of WTE but include the number of vacancies in brackets afterwards)?
Staff type
Registered nursing
Registered nursing associate
Clinical support staff
Medical staff
Operational management (non-nursing) (please describe)
Administration support (e.g. receptionist, scheduling) (please describe)
Pharmacist (please describe)
Non-clinical support staff (please describe)
Other (please describe)
Download response Staffing in Chemotherapy Units. 121021.docx