Recite me link

Question 1
Please provide me with copies of all serious incident reports (SI), never event investigation reports (NE), patient safety incident investigation (PSII) reports, clinical reviews (CR) and/or route cause analysis investigation reports (RCA) relating to patient fatality incidents completed in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 relating to incidents in one of the following specified departments:
Acute frailty unit
General surgery
Trauma and orthopaedics
And which contain at least one of the following words or phrases of interest:
physician associate
anaesthesia associate
assistant practitioner
physician assistant
anaesthetic assistant
Question 2
Excluding reports on investigations into self-harming, disruptive and/or aggressive behaviour, patient abuse, pressure sores and falls, please provide me with summaries of all serious incident reports, never event investigation reports (NE), patient safety incident investigation (PSII) reports, clinical reviews (CR) and/or route cause analysis investigation reports (RCA) completed in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 relating to non-fatal incidents in the above listed specified departments and which contain at least one of the above listed words or phrases of interest.
Please ensure your summaries include the following information:
a. Date of incident (or date of report) – just state which you have chosen;
b. A description of the incident including the job titles of staff involved;
c. Problems and root causes identified during investigation (be specific about staffing issues, e.g. if short staffed explain what staff roles were on shift, or if an error occurred state the job titles of the individuals who were involved in this error);
d. Actions (be specific, if staff require further training, state which staff, e.g. ‘FY2 doctors’ or ‘physician associates’)
Section 40 does not apply to deceased individuals.
You may wish to use optical character recognition to quickly identify reports including the above words/phrases.
You may wish to redact third party sensitive information, but this does not include the job titles of staff at your Trust involved in the incidents.

Serious Incident Reports.11.01.24.docx