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Rota Supplier Information
1. Does your organisation use any third-party software to support the creation of staff rotas? If yes, please state the name of the supplier. (a rota is a pattern of shift work with no individuals attached to it. A rota is used to form a blueprint of compliance or rules based on working patterns for a department, team or unit e.g. to create junior doctor rotas compliant to the 2016 Junior Doctor contract. Rotas are not to be confused with rosters (when shifts are allocated to workers))
2. Out of the following options, which staffing groups are rotas utilised for via your Rota system?
a. Medical- Consultants
b. Medical- Junior Doctors
c. Nursing and Healthcare Assistants (HCAs)
d. Admin and Estates
e. Scientific, Therapeutic & Technical (STT) Staff and Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)
3. What is the contract start date for your rota supplier? (dd/mm/yy)
4. What is the contract end date for your rota supplier? (dd/mm/yy)
5. What was the annual cost of your rota supplier for the financial year 19/20 (April 2019 – March 2020)?
6. Are there any exit costs incurred for changing rota supplier? If yes, please state the exit cost
7. What framework was used to procure the rota supplier? Please state the specific name of the framework e.g. G-Cloud, HealthTrust Europe, etc
8. Is your Rota supplier the same as your rostering supplier?
9. Does your rota system integrate with your rostering system?
10. 10a. Does your rota system integrate with your organisation’s Payroll system?
10b. If so, is the integration with payroll through an open API?
11. What other third-party systems does your rota system integrate with?
12. Is your rota system used for the creation of rotas?
13. Is your rota system used for the validation of rotas after they have been created?
14. Does your rota system provide exception reporting? (Exception reporting is the formal mechanism that workers can use to register variations from their agreed work schedule, in terms of their working hours and training.)
15. Does your rota system automatically send completed rota patterns to the associated worker?
16. Does your rota system provide online rota approval that can be accessed by multiple teams?
17. Are there two separate teams in place at the organisation for supporting your rota system and your rostering system?

Download response Rota supplier. 190421