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Rota Supplier Information for your Primary Urgent Care Services
1. How many of the following services operate in your Trust or Organisation?
a. Urgent Treatment Centres / Urgent Care Centre
b. Minor Injury Units
c. Walk-in-Clinics
d. 111 Services
2. Please provide a list of all services outlined above with their name, address, postcode and the provider of the service (if different from the Trust / Organisation)?
3. Does your organisation use any third-party software to support the creation of staff rotas in these urgent care settings? If so, what supplier provides the software?
4. Which types of staff do you rota via your Rota system?
a. GPs
b. Nurses and Healthcare Assistants (HCAs)
c. Other medical staff (please specify)
d. Administrative staff
e. Other (please specify)
5. What is the contract start date for your rota supplier? (dd/mm/yy)
6. What is the contract end date for your rota supplier? (dd/mm/yy)
7. What was the annual cost of your rota supplier for the financial year 21/22 (April 2021 – March 2022)?
8. Are there any exit costs incurred for changing rota supplier? If yes, please state the exit cost?

Download response Rota supplier. 041121.docx