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Re. Your trust
a. How many acute hospitals do you have in your trust?
b. How many inpatient beds do you have within each of the acute hospitals in your trust?
Re. Training on learning disability:
a. Do you have content on learning disability in your acute hospital inductions, for;
i. clinical staff
ii. non-clinical staff
iii. Where the programme is self-directed, what length of time are participants expected to spend on learning disability related content?
iv. Where the programme is taught, what is the teaching time for each group?
b. Have you provided specialist learning disability training to acute hospital staff within the last 3 years?
If so;
i. How many staff attended such training?
ii. Was this training mandatory or optional?
iii. For each different programme delivered, Please give the name of the programme(s), course duration (in hours), number of sessions and how many staff attended?
Re. Reasonable adjustments:
a. Do you have a ‘flagging’ system in place to notify hospital staff when a patient has a learning disability?
i. If so, what is it?
b. How many patient information leaflets do you have currently available across your trust, and how many of these are available in easy read format?
c. Do you routinely offer personalised easy read format appointment letters/other correspondence to patients with a learning disability?
d. Do you routinely offer the option of longer out-patient appointments to patients with a learning disability?
e. Do you routinely offer ‘hospital passports’ to patients with a learning disability during pre-admission appointments?
i. If so, are your ward staff trained to use them?
f. What is your process for recognising support needs in a referral to services in your trust, identifying reasonable adjustments that are known to be helpful to the patient, and putting them in place?
g. Do you have a policy or written guidance on reasonable adjustments in place for patients with a learning disability?
If so;
i. What is it?
ii. How is it provided to staff?
h. Did you carry out an audit showing compliance with NHS Contract requirement on appropriate assistance/reasonable adjustments in 2015/16? (Please refer to NHS Standard Contract 2015/16 Service Conditions: 13.2) If so, please share.
Re. Caring for patients with a learning disability:
i. Do you have a policy or written guidance on supporting family carers of patients with a learning disability?
If so;
i. What is it?
ii. How is it provided to staff?
j. Do you have a procedure in place for unplanned admission of patients with a learning disability? If so, what is it?
k. How many specialist learning disability staff do you have in post and what are their job titles? If so, how many full-time equivalent posts do you have?
l. Please will you share the name and contact details of your learning disability lead, if you have one?
m. How many patients with a learning disability were treated by your trust in 2015/16, 2014/15, 2013/14?
n. How many patients with a learning disability died within you trust in 2015/16, 2014/15 and 2013/2014?
o. How many of these deaths were investigated by the trust?

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