Recite me link

1. Do employees at the trust undertake clinical end user training for medical devices?
2. Which departments or employee titles are required to undertake medical device end user training?
3. How is the training provided?
• Online/E-learning
• In person
• Combination of online & in person
• Other (please state)
4. Who provides/ produces the training?
• Manufacturer
• Someone directly employed by the trust (please provide job title)
• A third party (please provide the name of the provider)
• Other (please state)
5. What types of medical devices are subject to such end user training?
6. If the training is online/e-learning, what Learning Management System (LMS) does the Trust use for employee training? Examples: Moodle, Totara, Mindflash, Google Classroom
7. If you do use Learning Management Software, does it enable managers to see whether their staff are up to date with training?
8. Is annual recertification of competence managed manually, or does your Learning Management System automatically send reminders and allocate the appropriate courses to users?
9. How much funding has the trust allocated to e-Learning in the past year?

Medical device end user training.300323.docx