1. How many agencies are used to supply Locum agency doctors?
2. Of these agencies, how many are off framework?
3. What is your highest capped commission rates for each grade?
4. When is your PSL up for renewal?
5. Which Framework does your trust use for Locum Doctors?
6. How many Locum Bookings are paid over the framework or capped rates at your trust in the last 12 months?
7. Please confirm what percentage of bookings over the last 6 months have been within the NHSI agency caps (an approximation based on NHSI data submissions is fine)
8. Please confirm which provider manages your direct engagement process, the fee for the service and the date on which this contract expires
9. Is your bank managed by an external bank provider (e.g., NHS Professionals, Bank Partners) or in-house? Please confirm who is the external bank provider and when the contract expires if relevant
10. Please confirm what percentage of bookings are processed with a VAT savings by your direct engagement (DE) provider
11. Please confirm % of locums working non-Direct Engagement and % outside IR35
12. What is the grade & speciality of all locums paid outside IR35?
13. Please confirm which services in the hospital are currently utilising insourcing contacts, who is supplying the insourcing service and when the contract is up for renewal.
14. Does your Trust utilise a payment portal to process Locum Doctors Pay?
15. What grade & speciality is your highest paid Locum agency doctor, what is their speciality and their hourly charge?
16. What grade & speciality is your highest paid bank doctor, what is their speciality and their hourly charge?
17. Please outline you spend per agency, broken down by grade and speciality of doctor over the past 12 months?
18. Please outline spend per doctors’ specialty, broken down by grade and speciality of doctor over the past 12 months from your internal Bank?
19. What grade & speciality is your highest paid Locum agency doctor, what is their speciality and their hourly charge?
20. Please confirm the name, job title and email of the head of department & manager for the following services:
• General Surgery
• Urology Service
• Trauma and Orthopaedic Service
• Ear, Nose and Throat Service
• Ophthalmology Service
• Neurology Service
• Cardiology Service
• Cancer Services
• Endocrinology Service
• Respiratory Medicine
• Dermatology Service
• Gastroenterology
• Acute Medicine
• Geriatrics
• Stroke Medicine
• Palliative Care
• Radiology
• Anaesthetics
• Maxillofacial Surgery
• Pathology Services
Locum agency doctors.230823.docx