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1- Are MTWNHS Trust outpatients currently entitled to an electronic copy of their own blood analysis results?
Trust Response: Patients are legally entitled to see their own records. However, there is not currently a method for the laboratory to feed results into the patients NHS app.
In this regard, and in terms of legal entitlement and patient accessibility to their health own records, in this case laboratory blood results:
A – Can blood analysis results that are computer generated, be printed off and passed between a health professional and an out-patient at a face 2 face meeting/consultation on Trust property?
B – Can blood analysis results that are computer generated be given verbally over the telephone to a Trust out-patient once GDPR rules have been satisfied?
C – Can blood analysis results that are computer generated be sent to the Trust out-patient via their known and registered e mail account, or does such electronic transmission require further security measures and passcodes to access such computer generated data sent from the Trust?
D – Or should the Trust out-patient complete a “Subject Access Request” via the Trust for more comprehensive information on each and every blood sample given for blood analysis?
E – Bearing in mind the above 4 points, do such phrases such as “stable’; ‘within range’; ‘no concerns’;’ satisfactory’ be deemed sufficient to pass the patient legal entitlement, rather than giving full blood count details from the out patient’s latest blood analysis?

Blood analysis results.070823.docx