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1. On behalf of which NHS Trust are you responding?
2. Does your Trust have a local inflammatory back pain pathway in place?
3. Do you have a local education programme for primary care practitioners including GPs and first contact practitioners? Please give details.
4. Are you aware of the average current waiting time from when a patient is referred from their GP to receiving their diagnosis. By this we mean from the moment the referral is received by rheumatology until the patient receives an official diagnosis.
5. What is the average current waiting from when a patient is referred from their GP to receiving their diagnosis. By this we mean from the moment the referral is received by rheumatology until the patient receives an official diagnosis.
6. How do you ensure patients are given information and support following their diagnosis?
Please select all response options which apply
7. What guidance are patients with axial SpA given when deciding whether to access biologic treatment?
8. Does the rheumatology department have access to a specialist physiotherapist.
9. What percentage of adults with axial SpA (AS) are referred to a specialist physiotherapist as described above for a structured exercise programme within your local area when first diagnosed?
10. Do you provide patients with individual care plans when they are newly diagnosed?
11. Does this include specific information on flares?
12. Does the Trust have a dedicated axial SpA clinic? By this we mean a day or time when patients with axial SpA are seen by a multi-disciplinary team.
13. Which health professionals are available as part of the axial SpA clinic multi-disciplinary team?
14. Are axial SpA (AS) patients under the care of a rheumatologist offered access to psychological services?

Axial Spondyloarthritis Services.220922.docx