1.) A) Last financial year agency locum spend
B) Please break down into Specialty and Grade
2.) A) The retention rates for permanent and fixed term staff – Doctors and Nurses only
B) Please break down into Specialty and Grade
3.) A) Please provide the Names of agencies used to fill vacancies
B) how much each agency charges
4.) Please provide your trust wide budgeted establishment per specialty and grade for Doctors
– Name of Speciality / Division or Directorate
– Consultants, Locum Consultant Contract and Associate Specialists
– CT/ST3 – CT/ST7, Specialty Doctors, Senior Clinical Fellows, CESR Fellow or Middle Grade Level
– FY1-ST2, Trust Grade, Junior Clinical Fellow or SHO level
5.) Please what is your actual current establishment for Doctor
– Name of Speciality / Division or Directorate
– Consultants, Locum Consultant Contract and Associate Specialists
– CT/ST3 – CT/ST7, Specialty Doctors, Senior Clinical Fellows, CESR Fellow or Middle Grade Level
– FY1-ST2, Trust Grade, Junior Clinical Fellow or SHO level