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Speech and Language Therapy

Our Speech and Language Therapy service is provided by a small but growing team of dedicated professionals. We work with adult inpatients and outpatients, who have a range of speech and swallowing issues, including:

  • Neurology: inpatients with acquired neurological disorders, including stroke, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease and outpatients using videofluoroscopy and associated clinics only
  • Elderly Care: dementia and Alzheimer’s disease – inpatients only
  • Oncology: Particularly head, neck and oesophageal cancers – both inpatients and outpatients
  • ENT : Organic and functional voice disorders – inpatients and outpatients
  • Respiratory: Including those with recurrent chest infections or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) – both inpatients are treated and outpatients via videofluoroscopy and associated clinics only
  • Gastroenterology: Including those who need to be tube fed – both inpatients are treated and outpatients via videofluoroscopy and associated clinics only
  • Radiology: helping to diagnose the cause of swallowing problems by taking video xrays (videofluoroscopy) – both inpatients and outpatients

We do not treat children or elderly care outpatients who are seen by Kent Community Health Foundation Trust.

We also have an ongoing commitment to training both Speech and Language Therapy students from Canterbury  who spend up to 10 weeks at a time with us and to doctors and nurses within the Trust, who are trained in identifying and screening those at risk of swallowing problems, for example after stroke.

Contact us

We are located at:

Tunbridge Wells Hospital

  • The Outpatient Voice Therapy Clinic is situated on level 0, Clinical Zone 2, alongside the Ear, Nose and Throat Department
  • The videofluoroscopy Clinic is situated on Level 0, in the Main X-Ray department
  • Contact number: 01892 635648

Maidstone Hospital

  • The Outpatient Voice Therapy Clinic is situated in the Therapy Department, which is along the first corridor on the right as you come in the main front entrance
  • The Oncology Clinic is held in the Oncology Centre on the first floor
  • The videofluoroscopy Clinic is located next to MRI, adjacent to The Oncology Centre, on the first floor.
  • Contact number: 01622 224308

You can also contact both sites via e-mail at

Useful links

Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists