The Endocrinology Department is based at both Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells hospitals, and provides a range of services.
Our team of specialists assess, diagnose and manage patients with:
- General endocrine problems
- Lipid disorders
- Pituitary disorders including growth hormone deficiency
- Parathyroid disease, disorders of calcium metabolism and vitamin D deficiency
- All thyroid conditions such as nodules, goitres, hyper- and hypothyroidism (over- and underactive thyroid)
- Adrenal disorders
- Female and male reproductive problems including patients affected by hirsuitism (excess hair growth), polycystic ovaries, hyperprolactinaemia and testosterone deficiency
We also offer:
- Joint antenatal endocrinology clinic
- Joint thyroid eye clinic (for patients affected by Graves’s eye disease)
- Radioiodine treatment for benign thyroid conditions
We have close links with King’s College Hospital and Guy’s & St.Thomas’s Hospitals in London where patients are referred for pituitary and adrenal surgery. Patients that require parathyroid or thyroid surgery are seen and managed locally by our colleagues in the Department of Otolaryngology.
Endocrinology Consultants
Tunbridge Wells Hospital
- Dr Gaurav Agarwal
- Dr Masud Haq
- Dr Supriya Joshi (Consultant in Clinical Chemistry)
- Dr Giji Tharayil
Maidstone Hospital
- Dr Samantha Anandappa
- Dr Supriya Joshi (Consultant in Clinical Chemistry)
- Dr Maliha Iqbal
- Dr Jesse Kumar
- Dr Siva Sivappriyan (Clinical Lead)
Endocrinology Nurses
- Emily Falconer – Lead Endocrine Nurse (Cross site)
- Anita Kaucha Rana – Endocrine Nurse (Cross site)
- Katherine White – Endocrine Nurse (Cross site)
We offer a range of dynamic function testing as day cases and this service is led by our endocrine specialist nurses.