Recite me link

Our Bariatric Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS) will support you through online education sessions before your one-stop appointment, which will give you an overview of the service, what will be required from you, and what you can expect from our team.

At the one-stop clinic bloods will be taken prior to your appointment, on the same day. The CNS will take an ECG (heart reading) for your anaesthetist to review, and discuss surgery and care during and after your hospital stay. Following the clinic, they will support the surgical team to make a decision about your procedure.

After your surgery the CNS will review you on the ward before you are discharged and talk to you about what you’ll need to do over the next few days, including your medications, wound care, mobility and pain.

As a part of your follow-up the CNS will contact you a few days after you leave hospital to support and advise on your care and wellbeing, and answer any questions you have. They will be involved at key points throughout the two years of your follow up either individually or with colleagues. They are also available in between if you need guidance and support to help you get the best outcome from your surgery.

Meet the team

Debbie Killick, Bariatric Clinical Nurse Specialist

Rebecca Peppiatt, Bariatric Clinical Nurse Specialist








Frequently asked questions

Can I have my blood test on another day rather than at the one-stop clinic?  

Yes you can, if you live locally or are happy to travel prior to your appointment. Ideally, book to have bloods in the morning on a day before your first appointment.

How long will I stay in hospital?  

Most patients only stay for one night but this may need to be extended.

Will I be allowed visitors after my surgery?  

This will depend on the ward you are staying on. Most of our patients recover on the Short Stay Surgical Unit (SSSU) which unfortunately does not allow visitors due to its close proximity to the operating theatre and the risk of infection.

How long until I can drive after my surgery?  

Normally a minimum of two weeks depending how you feel following surgery, you may need longer.

How long until I can have a shower or bath after surgery?  

You can shower the day after surgery and can bath about two weeks after, as long as your wounds are clean and dry. We recommended this is a quick bath to prevent any wound infections.