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Macmillan cancer support graphic

When you’re affected by cancer, having the right information and support at the right time is essential. The Macmillan Information and Support Centre at Kent Oncology Centre and the Macmillan Cancer Support Pod at Tunbridge Wells Hospital provide a confidential drop-in service for anyone affected by cancer.

This includes people who:

  • need information about cancer
  • have a cancer diagnosis
  • have survived cancer
  • are living with the consequences of a cancer diagnosis
  • want to reduce the risks of cancer
  • are a carer, relative, or friend of someone with cancer
  • are healthcare professionals

How we can help

Macmillan Information and Support staff and volunteers can help provide:

  • literature on all aspects of living with cancer
  • the opportunity to talk to someone in a private, comfortable and quiet room
  • over-the-phone information and support for those not able to access the service in person

We also offer

  • links to the clinical teams treating certain cancers
  • links to local and national support services
  • referral to other available support services
  • signposting to self-help and support groups
  • Look Good Feel Better workshops: an opportunity for women to meet and receive makeup lessons from experienced artists. This group meets once a month and helps women feel confident and supported throughout their journey.
  • liaison with other voluntary and statutory agencies
  • cancer awareness educational notice boards
  • health and wellbeing events
  • Macmillan Coffee Mornings: open to patients and relatives, this group provides a relaxed space to chat over tea and biscuits. Occasionally, healthcare professionals join to answer any clinical questions.

How to find us

At Maidstone Hospital, you can visit the Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre in the Kent Oncology Centre. The team at the back of the Kent Oncology Centre in the Radiotherapy department.

At Tunbridge Wells Hospital, you can find the Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Pod in the main entrance.

Find out more about travelling to our sites and parking.

Opening times and how to contact us

The Centre is open Monday – Friday 8am to 4pm, except bank holidays.

You can call the team on 01622 227 064 or email

Cancer information and wellbeing sessions

Have you been recently diagnosed with cancer? Our Cancer Information and Well-Being Sessions are here to support you through treatment. The sessions will give you a chance to meet other people diagnosed with cancer, link with support services, access information on a number of subjects, and attend talks from members of the cancer team on a variety of topics including:

  • Eating well and cancer
  • Emotional impact of cancer
  • Physical activity and cancer
  • Role of the Cancer Nurse
  • Local support services
  • Talk by a cancer patient about their own personal experience of being diagnosed with cancer.

You are welcome to bring a partner or family member and there will free refreshments and free parking for people attending. If you have any dietary requirements or any specific needs, please let the team know.

There is disabled parking at Maidstone Hospital.

If you have any questions or would like to book a place, contact the Macmillan Information Centre at