Recite me link

Please may you provide me with:
1. A list of all current and past audits and quality improvement projects started within the urology and general surgical department over the last 10 years.
1.1. Please provide date started, date completed, title, objectives, summary, action plan, whether the action plan was completed, and any closing of the loop/repeat.
2. A list of all current clinical guidelines within the field of urology.
2.1. Please provide a summary table of each guideline, when it was first created, last updated, frequency of updates
2.2. Please provide a copy of each guideline in word document or pdf form.
3. A list of clinical chemistry/electrolyte guidelines (e.g. hyperkalaemia, hypokalaemia etc)
3.1. Please provide a summary table of each guideline, when it was first created, last updated, frequency of updates
3.2. Please provide a copy of each guideline in word document or pdf form.

Urology and General Surgery.150124.docx