Recite me link

Can you please confirm the name of the providers you have for the following services?
1. Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS)
2. Any Ambulance services not included in the above, including any specialist services
3. Mental Health Transport Services
4. Pathology Courier Services
5. Any other Courier Services
6. Patient Taxi services – (for Taxis booked by the Trust are the providers CQC registered?)
Please include:
a. Journey numbers and mobilities for all patient journeys per annum,
b. Start date of contracts,
c. End date of contracts,
d. Include if any extensions may be applicable and initial length of awarded contract.
e. Please also include all complaints/concerns for each provider, both formal, informal, DATIX, PALS, any SUI’s and CQC reported incidents etc.
f. For all courier work, please confirm if you have regular GP runs,
g. If yes how many individual runs,
h. What services you supply the GPs,
i. How many GPs are associated to them
j. The number of journeys per annum?

Transport and courier services.280922.docx