Recite me link

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. From 1st January 2024 until 1st March 2024 how many shifts has your Trust or Health Board utilised Thornbury Nursing services for?
2. Within this same time frame (1st January 2024 until 1st March 2024) please list all wards or departments that utilised this agency and display the number of shifts in each.
3. Within this same time frame (1st January 2024 until 1st March 2024) please list all other off contract agencies utilised by the Trust or Health Board for nursing and break down a list of each ward or department and total number of shifts for each off contract agency.
4. Please list any suppliers with a general Band 5 day charge rate of over £50 per hour that have been booked for the Trust or Health Board in this time period (01/01/2024- 01/03/2024)
5. Please list any suppliers with a general Band 5 night charge above £60 per hour that have been booked for the Trust or Health Board in this time period (01/01/2024- 01/03/2024)
6. Please list any suppliers with a critical day rate charge (Band 5 or 6) ITU/A&E/Theatre or any other Speciality above the rate of £60 per hour that have been utilised in this time period
7. Please list any suppliers with a critical night rate charge (Band 5 or 6) ITU/A&E/Theatre or any other Speciality above the rate of £70 per hour that have been utilised in this time period

Thornbury Nursing services and agency suppliers.080524.docx