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Please note the questionnaire refers only to elective care.
1. How many elective Theatres do you currently have in your Trust?
2. How many Recovery beds do you have for elective surgery currently in your Trust?
3. How many chairs/trolleys are available for adults/children for day case procedures
4. How many beds are available for adults/children for elective inpatient procedures?
5. Do you have separate enhanced recovery areas for elective procedures?
6. For your Theatre Utilisation metric which is reported nationally, do you use capped touchtime utilisation (The total intercase downtime (minutes) / (Count of Cases – Count of Lists*) or uncapped touch time utilisation (Total Touchtime / Planned Duration) * 100. The [End Time] is automatically truncated, if the time extends past the [Session Planned End Time]? If not, please specify your definition.
7. Do you include cancellation on the day in your Theatre Utilisation metric?
8. Which activity do you exclude for the Theatre Utilisation metric for the national data sent to NHS England? (i.e. CEPOD, trauma, chronic pain)
9. What are the Key Performance Indicator targets which your Trust currently reviews performance against for the below metrics? E.g. Theatre Utilisation KPI target – 85% considered best practice
10. What are your AM, PM and ALL Day Planned Session Start and End Times on your Theatre templates?
11. What time are your briefings prior to the Theatre lists starting?
12. Do your Pain Management lists have a different planned session start and end time to other specialty Theatre sessions? If so, what are they?
13. Do you currently have a grace period for Late Starting Lists? (e.g. Planned session start time is 08:30, but late start not considered as 08:45 into anaesthetist room). If so, how long is this grace period?
14. Do you currently have a grace period for Late Finishing Lists? (e.g. Planned session end time is 16:30, but late finish not considered as 16:45). If so, how long is this grace period?
15. Are your pain management lists included in the Theatre Utilisation metric?
16. Are your elective orthopaedic and trauma lists included in Theatre Utilisation metric?
17. What clinical system/s do you currently use in Theatres for scheduling lists?
18. If you would be happy to be contacted for further information, please put your contact details below.

Theatre data, Theatre Utilisation and Theatre capacity.190822.docx