Recite me link

Please can you provide me with the following information for the 2022/23 financial year.
1. How Many Subject Access Requests have been received by your organisation? (Please provide only those requests relating to Health and Social records where possible i.e Exclusion of requests for HR information. If this is not possible please provide the total number of all requests).
2. Please provide the number of these requests which exceeded the one calendar month timeframe for processing (or those which have exceeded a total of three calendar months where an extension has been issued).
3. How many of the total requests received were issued an extension.
4. What system(s) is currently used to process / log these requests.
5. Do you have any software or systems for redaction purposes.
6. Please provide the Number of staff within the team processing (logging, facilitating and releasing) these requests including the relevant Agenda for Change grades. Please provide WTE and HC.
7. Please provide the department in which the team processing these requests resides. If multiple teams/ departments process Subject Access Request, please provide details for both.
8. Are your organisations medical records paper based, electronic or a mixture.
9. If electronic do you use a single EPR or multiple sources?
10. Are staff processing requests provided with a list of systems/ default locations to check in order to obtain the records requested.
11. Are all records reviewed prior to disclosure? If so who are these reviews conducted by.
12. Which roles carry out redaction of records prior to disclosure.
13. Do you issue or make available to data subjects a Subject Access Request, request form? (including any web based forms).
14. If you have a procedure or standard operating procedure covering the processing of these requests can you please provide this.

Subject Access Requests (SAR).200623.docx