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My enquiry is in association to your sexual health services at your NHS trust, not the private provider who may produce and/or process your STI postal test kits on behalf of your trust, but my enquiry is in relation to how much it costs you to produce, send out and process the tests via the private provider, well as how many tests you send out from your service. If you do not use a private provider, please ignore references to a private provider.
1. How many STI postal test kits on average do you send out a year in total from your sexual health service?
2. What is the average amount of test kits you send out to service users from your sexual health services a day?
3. What is the maximum amount of test kits you have sent out to service users in a day?
4. What is the average percentage of tests that are returned?
5. What is the range return rate of the percentage of tests that are returned?
6. How much does your STI test cost to produce, send out and process, including pathology (the cost of processing the samples)?

STI postal test kits.210723.docx