Recite me link

For each of the staff group categories: Medical and Dental, Nursing and HCAs, AHPs and HSS.
1. Does your Trust use an E-Rostering provider? (Yes/No – if No, have you previously tried to implement an e-rostering provider? Please name the provider).
2. What is the name of your E-Rostering provider?
3. When does the contract for the software you currently use for E-Rostering expire? (dd/mm/yyyy)
4. How many licenses is your contract for?
5. What is the cost per annum for the provider?
6. Do you have a Digital staff bank provider?
7. What is the name of your Digital staff bank provider?
8. What is the contract expiry date for the provider you currently use for your Digital staff bank? (dd/mm/yyyy)
9. What is the cost per annum for the provider?
Agency Management Software/Agency Tech
10. Do you use a Agency Tech provider? (Yes/No/Not Applicable)
11. What is the name of your VMS Provider?
12. What is the contract expiry date for the provider you currently use? (dd/mm/yyyy)
13. What is the cost per annum for the provider?

Staffing System Providers.230124.docx