Recite me link

1. Does the Trust provide a Specialist Tier 3 Weight Management Service?
2. What is the title and grade of the clinician(s) who is clinically responsible for patients seen in this service?
3. Please provide any clinical pathways and/or protocols or service specifications for this service.
4. Please provide any quality metrics and/or reports for this service.
5. How many patients was/is the Trust commissioned for, in:
a. 2022/23?
b. 2023/24?
6. How many referrals did/has the Trust receive(d), in:
a. 2022/23?
b. 2023/24?
7. How many patients are currently waiting for their first appointment in the T3WM service?
8. How does the Trust charge for this service:
a. NHS Tariff/Payment Scheme.
b. Other Per Appointment Pricing Scheme.
c. Per Patient/Pathway Pricing.
d. Block Arrangement.

Specialist Tier 3 Weight Management Service.130623.docx