Recite me link

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. Please can you provide the last 3 years spend on specialist seating used for patients ie recliners and tilt in space chairs not general staff or waiting type seating, excluding VAT, broken down by year ie 2020, 2021 and 2022. There is no preference on if this is fiscal or calendar year.
2. In each of these years please could you highlight the 3 models you purchased/rented the most of by quantity
3. Do you purchase outright or rent/hire your specialist seating for the trust. If there is a mixture, please could you quantify the split per year for the last 3 years
4. Please confirm which manufacturers of specialist seating your organisation purchased/rented from ie Ocura, DHG, Seating Matters, Remtec, Vivid Care, Premiere, Felgains Formal, Caremed. If multiple suppliers, please could you outline the top 3 by spend per year for 3 the last 3 years
5. Are you currently in a specialist seating contract if so who is this with, when does this run to and is there an agreed extension in place
6. Within the last 12 months has there been any entry to the trusts risk register with regards to specialist seating and if so has this been resolved or still open
7. Please can you provide the details of your hospitals care or multidisciplinary team (MDT’s) that collaborate to provide fundamental care for patients

Specialist seating.241123.docx