Recite me link

1. The number of offences relating to sexual misconduct (including rape, assault, groping, and sexually inappropriate language) that have been reported to your trust in the past five years (up to and including June 2022)
A breakdown of this data which details:
a. The month and year an offence was reported
b. Who filed the report/complaint (i.e. patient, member of public, or staff member –
i. please specify if they were aged over or under 18),
ii. what type of sexual misconduct report/complaint they filed,
iii. who they filed the report/complaint against – i.e. Patient complaining against staff, staff complaining against staff, or staff complaining against patient?
c. The outcome of a reported offence – i.e.
i. Was the alleged perpetrator disciplined?
ii. If so, how?
iii. And by whom?
iv. Was a payment made?
v. Or, was the report/complaint dismissed?
d. How many and which sexual misconduct reports/complaints were reported to the police?

Sexual misconduct and assault.220822.docx