Recite me link

1. What is your policy on reiki energy healing? Please provide a copy of your policy, if you have one.
2. In the last five years, have you engaged a reiki practitioner / energy healer for the provision of reiki/energy healing to patients?
a. In which years?
b. What was the cost to the NHS for each of these years?
c. How many patients were given reiki treatment in each of these years?
Please break the results down by condition.
3. Do you currently have a contract in place with any provider for the provision of reiki/energy healing services?
a. Please provide a copy of the contract
4. Which external organisations, charities or companies (eg. the Sam Buxton Sunflower Healing Trust) have you contracted or engaged with over the provision of reiki / energy healing in the last three years?
a. Please include copies of any promotional materials, advertising materials or other documentation provided by the external organisation as part of this engagement

Reiki energy healing.191222.docx