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All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. Does your Trust have a Standard Operating Procedure – also referred to as a PSFU Protocol – that covers the PSFU pathway for breast cancer?
If yes, please share your current, or most recent, version of this Standard Operating Procedure/PSFU Protocol.
2. Are all hospitals that form part of your Trust following the processes set out in the Standard Operating Procedure/PFSU Protocol for breast cancer?
If no, please send the breast cancer related Standard Operating Procedure/PSFU Protocol of each hospital in the Trust
3. At the end of hospital-based treatment do you provide primary breast cancer patients with information about the signs and symptoms of primary breast cancer?
If yes- please provide a copy of the information provided or a link to the information if it is available online. If this information is part of a longer document please provide the full document.
4. At the end of hospital-based treatment, do you provide primary breast cancer patients with information about the signs and symptoms of secondary breast cancer?
If yes- please provide a copy of the information provided or a link to the information if it is available online. If this information is part of a longer document please provide the full document.
5. How many patients did you treat for primary breast cancer that finished their hospital-based treatment in each of the Financial Years 2022-23 and 2023- 2024?
6. For each of the Financial Years 2022-23 and 2023-24, of the primary breast cancer patients that completed hospital-based treatment, please provide an estimate of what proportion were stratified to each follow up pathway?
a) A PIFU pathway
b) A Routine Follow Up pathway
If you can provide the figures spilt between the age under 45 category and age 45 and over category that would be useful but if the information is not readily available by age, please provide for all ages combined.
% of patients
2022-2023 2023-24
Under 45
45 and over
All ages
Routine Follow Up
7. At the end of hospital-based treatment, is there a set period of time during which all patients in the Trust receive Routine Follow Up, with the decision between a Routine Follow Up pathway and a PIFU pathway being taken at a later date?
If yes, which hospitals offer this and for each hospital how long is the set period of time?
Description of the pathway
8. If a patient wants to raise a concern about a breast cancer sign or symptom (either primary breast cancer or secondary breast cancer) while on a PIFU pathway, what are the options for them to do so (please tick all that apply):
A telephone service
Email contact
Drop in clinics
Other- please detail
9. Are all breast cancer patients on a PIFU pathway logged and tracked on the organisation’s IT system?
All are logged
All are logged and tracked
Some are logged
Some are logged and tracked
10. Is there a standard time limit on how long PSFU pathways are available to breast cancer patients e.g. 5 years?
If yes, what is the standard time limit?
If yes, how frequently is the standard time limit applied?
Always Most of the time
If any patients have a difference to the standard time limit, please detail and explain in what circumstances this occurs and the range of time limits?
11. When it is time for a breast cancer patient to be discharged from PSFU, do they receive any notification of this, e.g. by letter or phone call?
If yes, please explain how they receive this notification and provide a copy of the standardised information they would receive at that point, if it is in written form.
We are keen to discuss in more detail the answers to this FOI with a small number of Trusts. If this is something you would consider, please let us know and we will follow up if needed.
If yes, the person to contact is:

PSFU pathway for primary breast cancer patients.241024.docx