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All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. According to your records, in the financial years 2022/23 and 23/24 (as of 07.03.24), on how many occasions did either a Physician Associate or Anaesthesia Associate prescribe/attempt to prescribe medication to a patient at your trust? Please provide a breakdown by year.
2. According to your records, in the financial years 2022/23 and 23/24 (as of 07.03.24), on how many occasions did either a Physician Associate or Anaesthesia Associate request a scan that involves ionising radiation for a patient at your trust? Please provide a breakdown by year.
3. If it does not exceed the cost threshold, in the financial years 2022/23 and 23/24 (as of 07.03.24), how many incidents were recorded on Datix (or equivalent system) relating to the actions Physician Associates or Anaesthesia Associates? Please provide a breakdown by year.

Physician associates (PAs)2.120324.docx