Recite me link

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. My queries pertain to the use, development, and audit of Patient Group Directions (PGDs) within [NHS Trust Name].
Specifically, I am seeking answers to the following questions:
1. General Information:
a. How many active Patient Group Directions (PGDs) does the Trust currently have in place?
b. In which departments or services within the Trust are PGDs most used?
2. Usage of PGDs:
a. Over the past 3 years, how many patients have been treated under a PGD in the Trust?
b. How does the Trust ensure that PGDs are only used by those healthcare professionals (HCP) competent to do so?
3. Types of Medications:
a. Please provide a list of all medications currently administered under a PGD within the Trust.
b. Are there specific medications that the Trust has deemed unsuitable for PGD use? If so, which ones?
4. Audit Policy:
a. How frequently does the Trust audit the use of PGDs?
b. What measures are in place to ensure the safe and appropriate use of PGDs, based on audit findings?
c. Have there been any adverse events or incidents in the past 3 years related to the use of PGDs? If so, how many and what were the main issues identified?
5. Review and Update:
a. What is the Trust’s policy on the regular review and update of PGDs?
b. How often are PGDs typically reviewed and updated within the Trust?
c. Who is responsible for the creation, review, and update of PGDs within the Trust?
6. Training:
a. What training does the Trust provide to staff regarding the use of PGDs?
b. How frequently is this training provided and updated?

Patient Group Directions (PGDs).281123.docx