Recite me link

1. Does your organisation use Palantir software for any purpose or policy?
2. If so please state the name of the software, the date on which use commenced, and the purposes and policies for which it is used.
3. Do you upload patient data to to Palantir e.g. Foundry? Please state the name of this data, the policy under which it is uploaded, and whether it is “de-identified”, “pseudonymised” or anonymised.
4. Have you conducted data protection impact assessments on your use of Palantir? Please provide a copy of these impact assessments if so.
If you use Palantir software:
5. Please provide copies of correspondence between relevant employees of your organisation and employees of Palantir related to the implementation and usage of – and troubleshooting issues with – Palantir software.
Please define correspondence as emails, text messages and WhatsApp messages generated since 01/06/2022.
6. Please provide copies of internal correspondence related to the implementation and usage of – and troubleshooting issues with – Palantir software.
Please define internal correspondence as emails generated since 01/06/2022.

Palantir Technologies.210323.docx