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NHS Pain Education
Section 1
1. Name of your organisation
2. Do you provide education for your healthcare staff about pain management?
Section 2
3. Who do you deliver pain education to?
The following section is divided into staff groupings. Please add a cross in the relevant box to indicate who you provide pain management education to at least annually.
4. What percentage of each of the following staff groups attending at least one pain education event in the last 12 months.
5. Who delivers pain education in your organisation?
6. What methods do you use to deliver pain education to staff?
7. If you have a virtual learning environment as part of your pain management education please describe what methods are used
8. Are there any other methods that you use?
9. Content of pain education.
The EFIC core curriculum contains seven domains. Please indicate which aspects of the curricula you include in your pain education all or some of the time.
10. Do you include anything else in your pain education that has not been captured so far?
11. Is there anything else that you would like to tell us about?

Pain management education.291223.docx