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1. Number of Whole Time Equivalent (WTE) Paediatric Diabetes consultant posts in place for your Paediatric Diabetes service.
2. Number of WTE nursing posts, and their bands, currently in place specifically for your Paediatric Diabetes service.
3. Number of WTE HCA posts currently in place specifically for your Paediatric Diabetes service.
4. Number of WTE Psychologist posts, and their bands, currently in place specifically for your Paediatric Diabetes service.
5. Number of WTE Dietician posts, and their bands, currently in place specifically for your Paediatric Diabetes service.
6. Number of WTE Social Worker posts, and their bands, currently in place specifically for your Paediatric Diabetes service.
7. Number of WTE Family Support Worker posts, and their bands, currently in place specifically for your Paediatric Diabetes service.
8. Any other staffing roles within your Paediatric Diabetes service? What are they? What are the whole-time equivalents? and what benefits do you feel they provide to the patients?
9. Does your Paediatric service use Dendrite or Twinkle software, or both, to capture patient data?
10. What methods of accessibility to you have for patients whose first language is not English?

Download response Paediatric Diabetes service. 191021.docx