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1. Please identify the name of your NHS Trust.
2. Does your Trust now, or has it since start-2011, used the Owl Centre to provide any health service(s)?
3. If this Trust does, or did, when did the contract start and when did it finish, or does it remain current?
4. If it does/did, what service did the Owl Centre provide – for example speech and language therapy, ADHD or autism diagnosis or support. Please say which condition, disorder or illness and whether to assess, diagnose/screen, or treat/support.
5. Please provide any information available about the contract, for example (but not limited to) how many assessments or treatments they should provide per month/year.
6. At the time the contract was signed with the Owl Centre, and also at the time the contract started, was the Owl Centre registered with the CQC?
7. If so, did the registration cover the service they were providing for the Trust?

Download response Owl Centre. 180122.docx