Recite me link

Please can you provide the total spend and volumes for your organisation towards outsourcing the following ophthalmology procedure groups (see below) for the past 5 financial years (FY2016-17, FY2017-18, FY2018-19, FY2019-20, FY2020-21):
• Cataract surgery
• AMD – eye injections
• AMD – photodynamic therapy
• Surface laser treatments (PRK, LASEK and TransPRK)

If there are sub-categorisations within these procedure groups or categorisations different to those provided, please provide the total price and volumes for them as well.

Additionally, can you please provide the outsourcing volumes split by ophthalmology provider to which your organisation currently outsources ophthalmology procedures to? If such a granular data breakdown is not available, can you please simply list the ophthalmology groups to which your organisation outsources to?

Ophthalmology outsourcing.141122.docx