Recite me link

1. What is the Ophthalmology budget for 2022/23?
2. What is the cataract surgery budget for 2022/23?
3. What % capacity is the ophthalmology departments across the Trust area running at compared to 19/20 capacity?
4. What are the contract end dates and current annual contract values for all independent providers currently delivering cataract surgery in the Trust/ICB area? Please provide a total contract value if the contract values cannot be easily broken down.
5. What is the current number of patients waiting for cataract surgery in the Trust/ICB area?
6. What is the threshold of VA for first and second eye to qualify for cataract surgery for patients within the Trust/ICB area?
7. Which Commissioners/Procurement team members are responsible for the procurement of ophthalmic services within the Trust/ICB? Please provide the names and contact details for these individuals.
8. Please advise if you are aware if the ICB appointed an Elective Recovery Lead?
9. Does the Trust have a commissioning plan for the provision of eye services and to tackle the elective procedure backlog for 2022/23?
