1. Could you please provide your total OFF-Framework agency spend between 1st of March 2020 to 31st of March 2021 for A. Nurses (all bands and specialties)
& B. General Practitioners, Nurse Practitioners (all types/seniorities). Please answer A & B individually
2. Same question as above but for between April 1st 2021 to Present day
3. Please provide the hourly charge rate for the below Staff Groups/Specialties supplied to your hospital/trust by OFF-Framework recruitment agencies between the beginning of April 2021 to present day. Please answer individually and specify if the charge rate was for a Day, Night, Saturday or Sunday/Bank holiday shift.
A. Registered General Nurse (RGN)
B. Critical Care / ITU / ICU Nurses
C. A&E Nurses
D. Paediatric Nurses
E. Orthopaedic Nurses
F. Operating Department Practitioners (ODP)
G. Theatre Nurses
H. Midwives
I. Healthcare Assistant (HCA)
J. Registered Mental-Health Nurse (RMN)
K. Community Psychiatric Nurses (CPN)
L. General Practitioners (GP)
M. Nurse Practitioners / ANPs
4. Who is responsible for approving the use of Healthcare Recruitment agencies for temporary staff?
A. Please provide their work email address and work phone number (or extension if unable to provide a direct line)
5. Who is responsible for approving the use of Healthcare Recruitment agencies for permanent staff?
A. Please provide their work email address and work phone number (or extension if unable to provide a direct line)
6. Please can you confirm the total number of unfilled shifts between 1st of August 2020 to present day 2021 for:
A. Nurses (All Bands & Specialties)
B. Healthcare Assistants (HCA’s)
C. Doctors (All Bands & Specialties)
D. General Practitioners (GP’s), Advance Nurse Practitioners (ANP’s) & Nurse Practitioners
Download response Off-framework agency staffing. 070122.docx