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(a) Who is the head of procurement at your trust responsible for approving Nursing agency usage?
(b)Secondly, who is the temporary / flexible staffing lead responsible for the management of this service.
2. Please can you provide the contact information in relation to both question 1 (a) and (b)
3. Please can you outline your Off-Framework agency spend for each of the following staff groups between Dec 2021 – May 2022:
(a) RGN’s
(b) RCN’s
(c) RN’s
(d) HealthCare Assistants
(e) RMN
(f) Specialist RN (ITU)
4. Following the same breakdown of staff groups in Question 3, how many Off-framework shifts have been unfilled between Dec 2021 – Present
5. Since the start of January 2022 – present, please provide the current charge rates from your Off Framework, Nursing providers, providing a clear breakdown between the workers pay rate and agency commission
6. Based on the above information, who are your current Nursing Off-Framework agencies and how many shifts have been booked for each month from January 2022 – Present

Nursing agency usage.260822.docx