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The following requests relate to NHS (Charges to Overseas Visitors) Regulations 2015 as amended by the NHS (Charges to Overseas Visitors) (Amendment) Regulations 2017.
1. This question relates to the Trust’s implementation of the charging policies detailed above. Please provide:
a. copies of any Equality Impact Assessments.
b. copies of any local policies and guidance on implementation of the charging regime.
– If the Trust does not have any local policy or guidance, please list the guidance used to implement the regulations.
c. copies of documents/guidance/forms explaining how charging exemption requests are assessed.
– In particular this should include the process by which individuals are identified as exempt from charging as they are in receipt of treatment required for a physical or mental condition caused by torture, domestic violence or sexual violence.
d. copies of any guidance/documents explaining the criteria by which an individual is categorised as destitute and therefore exempt from charging.
2. Please provide details on the training staff receive with regards to overseas visitor charging regulations. Specifically:
a. Are staff joining this Trust required to complete training relating to the overseas visitor charging policy?
i) If so is this training face-to-face or an online e-learning module?
ii) Please provide details of what specific training is provided to avoid discrimination when implementing the policy?
iii) Please provide copies of any training materials provided prior to or during these sessions.
b. Are clinicians employed by this Trust required to complete any specific training to enable them in their role of assessing whether patient care is urgent/immediately necessary?
i) If so is this training face-to-face or an online e-learning module?
ii) Please provide copies of any training materials provided prior to or during these sessions.
c. Are overseas managers (OVMs) required to complete any specific training to enable them in their role implementing these regulations when joining the Trust?
i) If so is this training face-to-face or an online e-learning module?
ii) Please provide copies of any assessments made with regards to whether OVMs employed by the Trust should be required to hold an Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC) registration?
iii) Please confirm whether OVMs employed by the Trust have received any immigration advisory training enabling registration with the Office of Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC) commissioner. This could be OISC qualification levels 1-3, or the law society Immigration and Asylum Accreditation Scheme (IAAS) levels 1-2.
3. This question relates to how the Trust is monitoring the impact of the charging policies:
a) Please provide copies of any audit reports monitoring the impact of the charging policy on service users following implementation.
b) In particular please provide any documents detailing how the Trust is monitoring for evidence of systematic discrimination as a result of these policies.

Download response NHS (Charges to Overseas Visitors) Regulations 2015 as amended by the NHS (Charges to Overseas Visitors) (Amendment) Regulations 2017. 211020