Please tell me in the financial years a) 2020/21 and b) 2021/22
1) How many incidents were reported by your Trust on the Datix incident reporting system under the category ‘MRI safety’?
2) How many of these MRI safety Datix incident reports were listed under the division, ‘MRI Non Declared Internal Passive Metallic Implant’?
3) How many of these MRI safety Datix incident reports were under the division ‘MRI Non Declared Internal Active Metallic Implant’?
For all of the incidents captured under 2 and 3 above in 2020/21 and 2021/22, can you please provide a verbatim copy of the description of the adverse event? To avoid running into Section 40 exemptions, please redact any person identifiable information.
Note: The above is based on the understanding of MRI reporting procedures I derived from reading the following webpage: If the terminology used by your Trust is slightly different, please give me the nearest equivalent.
4a) Finally, can you please tell me if MRI scanner(s) at your Trust have at any point needed to be temporarily left out of service due to supply chain issues impacting access to helium in 2021/22? If the answer to this question is YES, please also tell me
4b) How many machines were affected by the helium shortage?
4c) In which hospitals/buildings do those machine(s) operate?
4d) How long were the machine(s) out of action as a result of the helium shortage?
4e) How many patients were affected by the MRI scanner outage?