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(1) Are staff in your Trust made aware (through circulated information, training, or any other mechanism) that, in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 s52 and Modern Slavery Act 2015 (Duty to Notify) Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/1743) (Regulations), they are encouraged to submit any suspected cases of modern slavery and human trafficking using the MS1 form to the National Crime Agency?
(2)(a) Do you provide any training to staff on undertaking this voluntary submission process, including any training that takes place in conjunction with the National Referral Mechanism and Safeguarding requirements?
(2)(b) If recorded, how many MS1 form were submitted by persons in your Trust to the National Crime Agency since the inception of the Modern Slavery Act last year?
If NO:
(3)(a) Is the development of advice on the process of using the MS1 form alongside the National Referral Mechanism and Safeguarding forthcoming?
(3)(b) Are you planning on requiring staff to complete the Human Trafficking Programme for NHS healthcare staff via the Electronic Staff Record (ESR)?

Download response Modern Slavery and human trafficking. 170817